- , Mission #

"A Fresh Start"

Sentinel 11407.28

USS Sentinel, Mission #6

Having narrowed down the search for the 12 mission crewmembers, discovering that their patterns in the main computer were the only thing keeping the Maubry from going critical, and subsequently watching one little packet of data/person sacrifice herself for the others to escape - the Sentinel crew onboard the Maubry have begun the transfer of the 11 survivors. Can they save the twelfth?

Ensign sh'Tolar has returned to the Sentinel to do what she can from there, leaving Baudin and D'Mera to man the reins.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resume Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

::Sits in her chair on the bridge, thinking over this whole situation.::

OPS: How's the transfer coming?


@::Stands idly by the transporter pad, waiting for Baudin to finish his work.::

::Tapping away furiously at his station, trying to work out any means of rescuing the twelfth crewmans patterns.::

@*CO*: 45% and counting. It might be a challenge trying to get the last one out without sh'Tolar, sir, but...we can certainly try. ::glances at D'Mera. could always use her help if she's willing to give it::

@::Notices the Operations Officer looking at her for help. She's offered enough help while stuck on this heap. If he needs me, he's going to have to ask politely, she thinks.::

::Boosts the power transfer beam as much as possible without creating another issue for the crew to deal with.::

ACTION: The Maubry reads out as full power, the transfer beam from the Sentinel giving her all the juice she needs for a little while longer.

@::Feels an itch on her forearm - beneath her inhibitor. There's no getting to that one! She begins rubbing her arm against the console, as the itch lingers and tingles. She scoffs, audibly.::

CO: Captain, We've given the Maubry as much power as possible, but this is going to give us a few seconds more, not enough time we need to rescue the twelfth crewman.

CO: You think we'll be able to get them all? That last crewmember is going to be really close.

@*CO*: All right, that should be it. The eleven are no longer in the Maubry; they're in Sentinel's capable hands now, sir. We'll start trying to transfer the last one in fifteen seconds.

@TAC: And then we get the hell off this ship as fast as we can. We should have seventy seconds. Get ready.

@OPS: Just like that? Shouldn't we prepare to beam out or something? ::Begins to panic as she steps onto the pad.::

AUX: All we need are a few seconds, I hear fortune favors the bold.

CO: I estimate we have no more than 70 seconds after we retrieve the 11 crewmember patterns...its not much.

*OPS:* Hold off on that just a moment.

CSO: And our best guess is still 60 seconds to retrieve crewmember #12?

CO: Given that we will need to remain at our current range, it leaves little room for error.

@TAC: ...A moment gives us that much more time, anyway. ::with something of a little sigh::

::Nods:: CO: I hope this works...

CO: Aye Captain, we'll have ten seconds to make for a safe distance...assuming the transfer works as we plan.

@OPS: For the record, I think this is stupid. ::She glares.::

*OPS:* Alright, we got a ten second window to make this work. Before we begin, we should beam back anyone not needed for the procedure. Can you do it alone?

@TAC: Noted. You want to go? We'll have you transported back right now if you'd rather watch from a distance. Work off some steam.

CSO: Keep your finger on the button, as soon as we have the last pattern, we need to be far away from here.

@OPS: Excellent. ::Without another word, D'Mera steps onto the pad.:: Sentinel: One to beam up. ::She smirks at Baudin in his fool's errand. OPS: Good luck.

ACTION: D'Mera shimmers away, transporting safely back to the Sentinel, leaving Baudin alone with the twelfth crewman in the dark

CO: Aye Captain, I've projected the fastest course out of the area and feed it to the helm.  I'm as ready as I'll ever be, as the terrans say.

@*CO*: ...Right. Whenever you're ready over on Sentinel, sir, and I'll begin the transfer.

CSO: And, Lt. beam Baudin back 10 seconds before the Maubry goes critical, whether we have the pattern or not.

::Nods her approval::

::blinks at the Captain slightly confused at the idea he would leave the OPS:: CO: Naturally.

::Smiles slightly:: CSO: Just making sure we're all on the same page.

CO: 70 seconds.....MARK.

*OPS*: Alright Ensign, go for it, and good luck.

@::Removes her EVA helmet and stashes it in the storage bin in the transporter room. She tunes the console to listen in on the mission as it proceeds.::

@::begins the transfer, mindful of the clock he's set at the same time. 12 is spread across so many systems, though, the entire ship. this isn't the same as the others in one small package::

::Monitors the transfer percentage as well as the cores condition.:: CO: 60 seconds....12 percent complete.

ACTION: On Baudin's screen, packets of data from the tiniest subroutine to the largest critical functions come together to form a single entity, bit by bit.

@::already sees that the time they have might not be enough:: Self: No, no, come on, work with me here, please...we just want to save you, too.

::Crosses her fingers and whispers a little prayer::

::watches intently as the transfer climbs and the clock drops.:: CO: 28 percent....50 seconds.

::Shakes his head slightly.:: CO: 39 percent, 40 seconds.

@::it might not even be all her--this is too quick, this should be done more carefully, is all of that her or other bits of other subroutines? where's the rest of her? left behind?:: Aloud: Just let go if you can...

CSO: How we looking?

::Takes a deep breath, not realizing he had been holding his breath as the percentage jumps.:: CO: 70 percent, 30 seconds.

CO: Its going to be close...very close.

CSO: Alright, remember. Finger on the button.

@Aloud: Your crew is waiting for you. We're trying to help-- ::he doesn't like the numbers, between the percentage and the seconds counting down::

::Nods not even looking at the Captain as he watches the countdown.:: CO: 85 percent, 20 seconds.

::Lets out the breath he'd been holding as he practically punches his finger through the console to retrieve Ensign Baudin.:: CO: 100 percent, 10 seconds!

CSO: Beam the ensign out and punch it!

::Finishes removing her EVA suit and throws it into the bin on the grav sled that's going to be heading to decon. She puts her hands on her hips as she listens in along with the transporter officer.::

*All*: All hands, brace for impact.

::Grabs the edge of his console as the auto programmed course jerks the ship away from the Maubry.:: CO: safe distance in 8 seconds....I hope.

ACTION: As the transfer finishes, Baudin disappears in a shimmer of blue light, returning safely to the Sentinel's Transporter Room just as the ship bursts away from the scene at high speed, screaming through space. Moment later, the Maubry finally goes critical, her explosion sending a shockwave racing after the glisteningly new Sovereign-class Starship.

CSO: Shields up!

::Pulls up the ships shields and puts as much power into the aft screens.:: CO: Shields up Captain, safe distance in 3 seconds!

::Winces visibly:: CSO: Did we get Baudin?

ACTION: The shields wink into existence around the Sentinel's hull just before the shockwave crashes into her, inertial dampeners doing what they can, but the ship bucks and writhes under the stress, moments counting down before finally the Sentinel punches into warp and to the safety of open space

AUX: I...believe so.

::Sees Baudin materialize on the transporter pad and nods respectfully towards him.::

::blinks at the transport, nods back at D'Mera and immediately starts stripping out of the EVA suit. the sooner they see this through, the better.::

CSO/AUX: Fantastic, but we can't celebrate yet. As soon as we're ready, check the condition of the Maubry's crew patterns.

::Nods to the CO::

::Nods back::

ACTION: The crew gathers themselves a few moments later, Ensign Baudin at the controls in the Transporter Room attempting to piece together the Maubry's crew's patterns into a transportable signature. The bridge crew gather around to assist and to watch, Commander Stradiot standing by with a medical team while Thur is in surgery elsewhere.

::D'Mera continues packing away the equipment from the mission, sending the grav sled with the EVA suits down to Decon, and locking up the arms locker adjacent to the transporter room. She watches from across the room as Baudin works.::

::sh'Tolar should be here to see this, he thinks. It's her work, after all, that got them here. But he's pieced them all together as best as he can.:: ALL: If everyone is ready... ::not that he's going to wait for a response before he starts beaming the first six back into physical form--he hopes::

::looks over the equipment at the Medics brought with them, making sure it covers any possibility::

::Stands silently, watching the procedure hoping he won't be needed.::

ACTION: Slowly, the patterns begin to re-emerge, forming shimmering blue people-like shapes. Ten seconds pass, then fifteen, before the first six Maubry crew finally rematerialise, four of the collapsing on the pad while the other two stumble, slurring and shivering, naked and disorientated.

::Rushes forward to assist the medical team with the survivors and clear the transporter pad.::

::Rushes forward with the Medics and start running tricorders over them::

CSO/AUX: Are they all alive? ::first thing's first, after all, tense at the console::

::Nods:: All: They're all alive...but suffering from severe transporter sickness. I need them all taken to Sickbay immediately.

::Helps pull one of the unconscious crewmen off to the side as another medic scans them.:: OPS: It seems so, though they are in varying states of distress.

OPS: I am unfortunately not a medical doctor.

::begins to transport the remaining six, lucky(?) number 12 included. if they're all going to sickbay, they should all go as one::

ACTION: The medical team begin moving the survivors to beds and down to Sickbay while the next batch begin to materialise.

::Continues to run scans over the incoming patients.::

ACTION: Five of the signatures begin to form as normal, another batch of crewmen rematerializing like the first, naked and stumbling, collapsing to the pad while the sixth remains a shimmering blue, fluctuating image.

::Crosses her fingers for the 12th image as it shimmers.::

::taps a few more commands into the console, trying to get the pattern to stabilize:: Self: There has to be enough of you there, come on...

::Assists more naked crewmembers, doing his best to look up as he does.:: All: Oh...my!

ACTION: With a final snap, the twelfth crewmember's pattern coalesces into being, her naked form collapsing to the pad alone.

::Smiles, but keeps her focus as she personally turns to the last crewmember and looks her over::

ALL: Alright. Let's get the Maubry's crew to sickbay. Good work everyone.

::he's actually surprised it worked--at least as far as the outsides go. he pauses a beat, then snaps back to reality at the captain's words::

::Nods:: CO: She'll be alright...it'll just take a little longer than the others. Minor gene issues...but nothing the CMO can't handle.

::Smiles nervously at the very naked, hairless people.:: All: Yes....well.  Welcome back......yes.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< End Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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