- , Mission #


U.S.S. Hooke, Mission # 5

Stardate 11403.27



Directed by: Aoibhe Ni



Aoibhe Ni as CO Captain Kesh Suder

Sophie Wakeling as XO Commander Anya Nicole Jameson

James Greenman as CMO Commander Kymar Dremel

Einar Sigurðsson as CEO Antony Adalberto

CJ Short as CTO Lt. Henry James Sumner


Tekopo as NPC aOPS_Ens_Cavendish






Mission Summary:

Summary: The USS Hooke has managed to successfully pick up Dr. Thadius McKinnick, the well-known planetologist, and his team of geologists, meteorologists and zoologists along with their mass of equipment for the journey to Ira 4.


The Doctor has proved to be a bit of a handful, his ego his and confidence (and his penchant for the odd drink), grating on some of the crew's nerves.

We join the crew 30 minutes out from Ira 4.





::arrives on the bridge, still frowning a little, and heads for his console, wanting to run some calculations of his own::



::stands at the Science station on the bridge, running over the last few specs for their arrival to Ira IV::



::It sitting on the bridge. reading reports::



::turns his chair back and forth between his consoles, deeply engrossed in some task:



::sighs, and changes his mind, bringing up a political map of Ira IV instead::



::checks his console, making sure that power distribution is within normal bounds::



::turns back to his left console and sighs::



::Wonder's how McKinnick can need so much equipment, takes a moment and remember other Science based missions they've taken on, and revises her opinion that this seems almost small::



::taps his comm badge:: *McKinnick*: Doctor Kymar to McKinnick. How are your preparations coming along, Doctor? We're approaching the Ira starsystem.



XO: Captain, I think I have a plan for distributing these replicators.


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::*CMO*: Almost ready... ::has no clue who he's talking to:: *CMO*: I'm on my way to the bridge now! ::steps into a turbolilft::



::Sighs very quietly at the title 'Captain', thinking that is Kesh's role, not her's, on the Hooke::


CTO: Hit me with it then Lt.


<@Dr_McKinnick> TL: Bring me to the Bridge.



::brings up the map on the main viewer:: CO: Obviously, we don't have enough for everywhere, so I'm thinking we skip the northern and southern-most territories; we'll focus our efforts in those areas on evacuation. The bulk of the replicators will go to these refugee camps closer to the equator. ::highlights the areas::



::turns his chair to face Kymar:: CMO: Doc, I don't know what half of the things in the pod do, but I have YET to receive a request or a memo on....whatever he has planned.


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::steps onto the the bridge to the sound of a fanfare in his own head::



::glances down at Tony with a slight nod:: CEO: I've not received anything either, Tony. I think he's-::turns at the sound of the TL opening::-on the bridge, and about to explain everything, i'm sure.



::glances over and nods to Dr. McKinnick::



::briefly turns around to see Dr McKinnick enter, then returns to face the console, a smirk on his face::



::Looks up at the viewer:: CTO: Sounds like the most logical use of them.



::turns to face the newcomer::


<@Dr_McKinnick> CTO: Henry! ::walks briskly over to the CTO's station:: CTO: All set, lad? ::slaps him on the back::



CTO: Any plans on how we contact the outlyers to inform them of the humanitarian supplies? ::Looks up at the beat of silence on the bridge, and, in her head, unexpectedly hears a little music::



McKinnick: More or less. ::smiles some::



::raises an eyebrow, seemingly Henry is everyones best bud these days...and for a moment wonders if this could be a mirror duplicate::



::Turns her head, and stands at seeing the Doctor:: McKinnick: Doctor, it's good to finally meeting you. ::Steps forward with a welcoming smile ::


McKinnick: I hope you are finding everything you need


<@Dr_McKinnick> CTO: Good! Good, yes... ::looks around the bridge, spots XO:: XO: Thank you, yes... You have a fine ship, lass. ::takes XO's hand and kisses it:: XO: Fine, fine ship, indeed.



::gives the Captain a look::



::looks puzzled at the sudden displays by McKinnick::



aOPS: Cavendish, I want to run a level 4 diagnostic on the deck 4 replicator systems, can you please shut down the processes?



::raises an eyebrow slightly before turning back to his work, running a few long range scans on the planetary system::



::Allows the old fashioned gesture of greeting, the act of courtesy, before subtly withdrawing the limb from his reach:: McKinnick: We are approaching the planet, if you would like wait the ::looks at her screen:: 10 minutes on the bridge. ::Gestures at the guest chair::



CEO: Aye sir, running it now. ::taps a few keys on the console, shutting down the power junction feeding the deck 4 replicator::



aOPS: Thank you Ensign. ::brings the diagnostic service online, hoping that will fix the sour taste of his morning Raktajino::



CEO: Should be down now, Lieutenant Commander. Let me know if anything shows up on the diagnostics, I noticed some spikes on that power relay recently.


<@Dr_McKinnick> XO: That would be grand, aye. But I'll stand. Better view. ::smiles dashingly at XO, before continuing to speak:: XO: Henry and I have been discussing the mission ::says "mission" like it's an exciting word to him::, I have a series of torpedoes prepped and ready to fire at the star. We'll be in no danger, long as the shields hold... ::turns to CTO and OPS:: CTO/OPS: They will hold lads, won't they?



::nods at Cavendish::



McKinnick: And the risk assessment to the lifeforms on the planet?



::glances upwards from his readings with a slight frown:: McKinnick: What about the planets in this system? It seems a bit...reckless, launching torpedoes at a star.



::turns around:: McKinnick: Torpedoes...whoa, this is the first time I hear of this...I need to run tests on the shields first.


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::looks at XO, a little pensively:: XO: Better than they are currently.



::gives the Captain another look, this one of doubt::



::looks at McKinnick, but doesn't reply the rhetorical question::



::Gives him a searching look:: McKinnick: I would like to see your report, Doctor. And your assessment on the affects to the camps.



::stands up:: McKinnick: And on my shields.



::nods in agreement:: McKinnick: I'd like to see the simulations and studies done on other stars.



::Looks over her shoulder:: CEO: Work on that test Adalberto, we need to know the full impact


::nods:: XO: Yes ma'am.



::does on a basic check on the shield emitters just in case::


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::nods once and waves a hand at OPS vaguely:: XO: The data is in your computrer. OPS: Get it on the screen.



McKinnick: I need your data to run the tests. If you would? ::motions for his console::



::looks at XO for approval::



::Slowly faces McKinnick again:: McK: I think you may be initiating this before i'm satisfied about the risk to life. Convince me, and maybe we will continue on schedule



::Gives a short nod to Cavendish:: OPS: On screen, Ensign



::puts the data on the main viewer::



::goes through some of the data himself::


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::looks surprised:: XO: I understand, lass. BUt this has been approved as the best solution to a, if you'll pardon the pun, snow-balling problem... ::steps over to the giant screen, pulls a pointy-stick out from somewhere and clears his throat::



McK: I don't want to look at a screen, at statistics. I want you to tell me, aloud, how many lives will be taken if I allow you to fire those torpedoes.



::clears his throat for attention and then looks up from the results:: McK/XO: I'm putting a stop to this.


<@Dr_McKinnick> ACTION: The USS Hooke arrives in orbit around Ira 4.



::sighs softly::



McK/XO: I've gone through your notes, and you have absolutely zero "live fire" tests for this. This is an untested scientific experiment, and I won't allow the 3 billion people on Ira IV to be guinea pigs for it. We're going to have to find another solution, Doctor, i'm sorry.


::Nods at the doctor, who was more blunt than her way of trying to make the Doctor understand why she was to refuse::



::has a bad feeling about this and sits back down, trying to shift through the data in the computer to run tests on the shields::



::Takes a moment, while McK's attention was on Kymar to walk to the Tac station and murmering:: CTO: Make sure he can't fire those torpedoes.



::tries to ignore the bad vibes swirling around the room::


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::shoulders sag:: ALL: I have headed up a team who has been studying this planet for over 7 years... We have vast quantities of data, collected from countless research projects... The facts remain, this planet is at the end of its life if we don't intervene. How exactly, do you all suggest we proceed if not with the accumulated knowledge and experience of me and my team?



::nods to the Captain:: McK: Doctor, I understand this is a great opportunity to test something that has a strong theoretical basis, but there are too many lives at stake if something goes wrong. Are there any other solutions? Ones that don't involve star manipulation?



McKinnick: Do you have computer simulations to back up your theory?



::finds himself torn::


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::looks up at CTO:: CTO: Wide band phaser blasts to melt away the thinner areas covered in ice. That should start the process, but it will be slower.



::rests his hands on the top of the centre arch console:: McK/CEO: Simulations aren't good enough when you have 3 billion lives at stake. This should have been tested on similar stars in similar, uninhabited, systems, before it was ever approved for use on Ira IV.



McK: Does everything have to be about speed Doctor? Sometimes slow and steady gets the job done to far more satisfaction


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::half smirks at the XO's choice of words:: XO: Aye, lass. True, indeed.  



XO: The longer the process takes, the more lives that could be lost due to exposure. ::looks around:: ALL: Dr. McKinnick is trying to save as many lives as possible, just like us.


<@Dr_McKinnick> XO: But when the subject is as frigid as Ira 4, it takes a little more than "slow and steady"...



McK: So are you telling me that either we hit hard and fast, and risk killing 3.2 billion, or we go slow, and a further....how many? will die from the environmental conditions?


<@Dr_McKinnick> CMO: I agree. But surprisingly, I have not had much luck convincing Starfleet to let me play with a star at my own whim. We're working on best knowledge, here.



McKinnick: Yet they approved this?



CEO: Some beurocratic, stamp-happy Ensign, no doubt. This is too dangerous to risk. If Starfleet were more worried about Ira IV's immediate future then they would have sent a fleet of evacuation vessels.


<@Dr_McKinnick> XO: Your guess is as good as mine. Fact is, the majority of the 3.2 billion inhabitants are concentrated around the equator. But there are countless wretches forced to the outlying regions. Waves upon waves of refugees are piling one on top of the other, skirmishes over resources are common... If we do nothing at all, people will die. You have your options, lass.


<@Dr_McKinnick> CEO: Call it what you like. Administrator Gol has requested aid, has begged for assistance in the restoration of his planet. He has seen the data as much as I have.


::looks to Jameson::



::Grabs a padd from her chair, and begins to review the data:: McK: Let me look at this.



::looks at the data displayed on the screen, trying to see if he can understand what the graphs are showing::



XO: The tests are underway, Captain.



XO: While we're deciding, we should get started delivering supplies. I'll have security teams accompany the installation of the replicators. Meanwhile, we can send shuttles to the outlying territories to let them know to move towards the camps.



CEO: Let me know as soon as you get the results. I'll need them before I can make my decision.



XO: Yes ma'am.



::Nods at Sumner:: CTO: Get to it Lt. They need those resources.



::shakes his head:: XO/McK: There are other terraforming options. Blue Horizon, Epsilon 119, Venus. All planets that support life despite their sun's output. Why take a risk when we can alleviate the suffering with other ideas, and have the Planetary Resource fleet install atmospheric element compensators instead.



::steps down from the upper tier to the command circle:: XO: Our primary mission here is to alleviate the pressures on Ira IV with peacekeeping and aid, not to test scientific experiments on their star.



::nods and heads for the turbolift:: CEO: Your teams ready, Adalberto?


<@Dr_McKinnick> ::spots aOPS paying attention to the screen. Slaps his pointy stick at a point on the graph:: aOPS: Before the Ira'i began to harness tectonic activity as a sourcee of energy... ::moves up a bit:: aOPS: Here's where their planet out grew their power needs, so they began to intitate stronger activity to feed supply... ::frowns atthe screen, and moves his pointer onwards, and down the temperature curve:: aOPS: And this is when they called us.



CTO: Yup. Bring them back in one piece.



::grins at Tony and enters the lift:: TL: Transporter room 1.



::Looks up from the data to Kymar, gesturing for him to sit next to her, before talking quietly:: CMO: The choice is to risk all of them, for the potential of quick success with an untried method, or allow some of them to certainly die and go the slower, less risky way.



::he stops paying attention a few sentences in and turns to the CTO, before the CTO leaves:: CTO: Let me know if you need us to re-route some of the personel transporters for cargo.



CMO: I want your honest opinion.



::adjusts in his seat lightly, leaning over:: XO: Nobody is dying yet. I'm not saying the situation down there is paradise, but we are nowhere near the stage where we go blowing up stars. The risks are too great, far too great.


XO: My opinion? We do what we came here to do, we deliver our supplies, medical aid, and setup support stations with the crew we have - And we look into alternate, safer ways of holding back this ice age until a terraforming fleet can get out here. We give them time.



::Raises an eyebrow:: CMO: And condemn some of them to certain death while we sit here waiting?



XO: Captain, I have the results.



::Looks up:: CEO: Report Commander



::looks at McKinnick before continuing::



XO: Or we risk every single life in this system by forcing a star to increase it's output? The risk is too great.



XO: The effects are minimal, the shield will barely register the change....I think he might be on to something. But, tests are not the real thing.

<@Dr_McKinnick> ::shakes head:: CMO: We'r enot blowing up the star! We're... can't you read, man? ::scoffs:: CMO: We're hioping, at most, to increase solar activity enough to raise temperatures by about 8 or 9 degrees... And...people ARE dying. In their thousands!



::stands up, fling his hand out violently:: McK: And what if that 9 or 9 becomes 8 or 9 thousand? That 2% becomes 20? Then you're incincerating an entire goddamn people, Doctor! You're not doing that on my watch!


<@Dr_McKinnick> CMO: You'd rather they all starved? Froze!? You have a funny way of showing your compassion!



::checks over the first engineering and security team:: *XO*: Captain, the first replicator unit and teams are ready to beam down. I'm thinking we'll start in the main northern camp. You may want to let the Administrator know we're coming.



::looks up:: CMO: Relax, Doctor.



::Stands and holds her hands out between the two doctors:: McK/CMO: I have made my decision. Doctor McKinnick, we will use the phaser option to melt the ice. We are already sending as many resources as we can spare to the planet, which will reduce the loss of life. I am unwilling to risk commiting genocide on a scientific whim.



::looks at bit worried at the rising voices but does not dare say anything::



McK: We have supplies, we have medical teams, we have ways to help that don't involve unwillingly risking every life on that planet in some untested scientific medal you want pinned on your lapel. There are people down there, and if you have any compassion you wouldn't have even suggested risking them.



::turns to the XO with pleading eyes:: XO: Hmmm, sir, permission to head to the transporter room to assist Lt. Sumner?



*CTO* Am currently preventing an old fashioned throwdown here Sumner. Any chance you could take point with the Administrator initially?



::Nods her assent to Cavendish, silenting agreeing::



::leaves the bridge and enters the turbolift:: TL: Transport room 1.



*XO*: Sure. Don't be afraid to kick a little ass if you need to, ma'am.


<@Dr_McKinnick> CMO: I have been working with these people for 7 years, doctor (ed: with a small d), I risk only what I know they are willing to risk. ::turns away from the CMO and looks to the XO:: XO: I'll have my team liaise with Henry's to prep the phasers.



::Relaxes a little:: McK: I understand your disappointment Doctor, but I have to follow my instincts, and the evidence, as to the best route to follow.


::grips his fist tightly, Disgusted (with a big d) at how someone who calls himself a scientist, or even a humanoid being, could be so callous when it came to the life of another:: XO: Commander. I'll be in Sickbay, monitoring the relief efforts. ::turns and walks into the Turbolift, sending it hurtling down through the decks::



<<<Pause Mission>>>



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