- , Mission #

"Kobliad Knights"



SUMMARY: The Hyperion has arrived at Kobliad, and has quickly set about organizing the aging, albeit upgraded, auxiliary fleet at their command. Together with the Flagstaff and the Vonnegut, the Hyperion stands ready to defend the small planet from a sizeable Breen and Tzenkethi force, once which is approaching quickly. Elsewhere, the war has taken a turn...






::walks out of his Ready Room, nodding to Lyon:: OPS: Commander....put me on fleetwide comms as well as shipboard please.



::Is standing at Tac::



::taps controls on his console:: CO: You're on, sir.



*All*: Attention all hands. This is Captain Jonathan Rome of the Hyperion....I have just received word from Starfleet Command that Starbase 621 has fallen..



::is busy  making sure the triage centers on each module are ready to go..::



::Continues looking serious, as she continues her work during Jonathan's speech::



::gives Holden an apologetic smile as he gets up and returns to the XO seat::



*All*: Thanks to the heroic efforts of the USS Sentinel and the USS Atlantis, the station was evacuated with a minimum loss of life, but we lost 47 vessels in the process.



::halts communications with med-teams as the captain's voice comes over the intercom::



::Smile:: Self: The bloody jock and that crazy ass blue bastard...




::smirks and sits down at the OPS console::



*All*: Admiral Blackthorne managed to self destruct the station, taking out a sizable portion of the Tzenkethi's first wave.


ACTION: MACOs begin to deploy throughout the ship to protect vital areas and key systems, including Engineering and the Sickbay stations.



*All*: The fleet is regrouping at Mizar and reports from Sigma Rho is that the station is holding her ground.....this is what we must also do. If we fail, the Tzenkethi will have a foothold in Federation space and I will NOT let that happen.



::monitors as the MACOs check in at their assigned positions::



::Hands his final report to Feyna.::



::looks up as several MACO's file into sickbay, furrows her brow a little.. now it seems real. Adjusts the mek'leth on her belt::



::Takes the report, absent mindedly, and opens it, ready to add it to her current data:: TAC: Thank you Ensign



*All*: Report to your stations and let's get through this in one piece. Hyperion, out.



::motions for Holden to cut the channel as he moves to the center seat and sits down, glancing at the reports waiting for him::




::cuts the channel::



::Taps a final sequence, ensuring the communication lock out as requested, allowing an area for message storage that can be sent as soon as the lock down ends::



OPS: Report?



CTO: My security recommendations are also in there. I think every security team should be equipped with a TR-116.



::checks all the ships have their assignments:: CO: All ships acknowledge their assignments, sir. MACOs are deploying.




::looks up from his console:: CO: Captain, long range sensors have picked up the Breen fleet - 20 minutes out.



::nods:: OPS: I want a full compliment to cover the entrance to every command center. If we're boarded, no one gets in or out.



::stands up:: aOPS: On screen.



::sends the oders:: CO: Done.



*CO*: Captain, the triage centres on all three modules are prepped and ready to go. We're on standby.



::Nods at Douglas:: TAC: Agreed and accepted.




::puts the information on the main viewer::



*CMO*: Thank you Doctor. Keep me informed as necessary.



*CO*: Yes sir. Rousseau out.



OPS: Commander, I received word of an...altercation in one of the holodecks earlier.



::Smiles.:: CTO: Thankyou ma'am.



::blinks:: CO: Altercation, sir?


ACTION: The view screen flicks to show a large collection of dots, closing quickly on the Kobliad system. Two of the dots stand out as being particularly large, almost enough to make out details; the Tzenkethi carriers.



OPS: A junior officer named Evans and Mr. Douglas apparently. Anything I should know about ?



::stares at the screen::



CO: I'm sure it was nothing, sir. I will look into it. ::shoots a look at Soule, eyebrow raised::



OPS: Make sure you do, Commander. If the reports are accurate I want the officer in question reprimanded. We are at war, make sure they understand that.



CO: Aye, sir.



::His ears start burning, tries to ignore it, sending the orders to the teams::



::makes a fist with his left arm as he stares at the screen:: CTO: Jo, is the fleet ready?



::looks up when she hears her name::  CO: As ready as I think I can make it.  Though it would be a good idea to be in MVAM.  More firepower



CTO: Agreed, make it so Commander.



::Implements her suggestion::



OPS: Commander, do I have permission to activate Vitro for service, before we go into battle.::



::is probably as ready as she's ever going to be.. fiddles with a PADD making sure everything's checked off the list::



::looks up:: TAC: Vitro? ::glances at Lyon::



CO: A hologram sir.



::puts his head in his hands:: CO: I knew I was forgetting something.



::Looks at the commander in disbelief. Shaking his head.::


ACTION: Blue Alert signals throughout the Hyperion as it prepares to separate. Various seals move into place as the superstructure disconnects. The three vessels drift apart slowly before coming under their own power. 10 minutes until the fleet arrives.



OPS: Commander, I know things run a little differently now but I expect to be kept up to date.



aNAV: Mr. Miller, move us to the frontline please.



CO: He's the one who has been assisting me, with combat training.



CO: Aye, sir.



::looks over at Douglas:: TAC: Can it harm our crew in any way?




::moves the ship towards the front line::



::breathes, centering herself. Looks around sickbay to make sure her staff are all at their posts::



aNAV: ETA of the enemy fleet ?



CO: He... could if he chose to sir. But he is far more concerned with ship security.




CO: Six minutes, Captain.



TAC: Then it's out of the question. Think no more of it and prepare this ship for battle.



::Runs a check over the defensive and offensive systems again, occasionally tapping her hip, making sure her knife is there::



::shoots a glance at Soule::



SCENERY: The ship seems to hold its collective breath, the rag tag collection of Starfleet's past, present, and future standing as a wall against the rushing tide.



CO: Captain. He's not a liability. He is the one who has been training with the crew.



TAC: Mr Douglas, leave it be for now.



::hits the intercomm:: *All*: All hands, this is the Captain. We are about to engage the enemy fleet. All hands to battlestations. This is not a drill.



::Looks up at the recognition of tension beginning on the bridge, ready to act if necessary::



TAC: Mr. Douglas, please arm the Bridge crew.



::Grumbles:: OPS: Yes sir.


ACTION: Small arms are passed out on all vessels; the Tzenkethi propensity for boarding has been made well known.



::looks up as the Captain's message comes through:: Medstaff: You heard him. Get to your stations, everyone.



CO: Yes sir. ::Opens up the nearest weapons locker and starts handing rifles and phasers to the bridge syaff::



*Engineering*: Engineering, seal all external hatches and raise all emergency forcefields.



::Leans the rifle passed to her by Douglas against her console, within easy reach::



::accepts the rifle and places it next to his chair::




::sends fleet maneuvers to the squadron commmanders:: CO: One minute, sir.



aOPS: Inform the Flagstaff and Vonnegut wings to take up flanking positions.



::walks around, making sure all of the staff have their phasers::



::Finds a familiar weapon in the locker with its crimson red wood finish. He pulls out the boomstick and slings it over his shoulder.::




::sends the orders to the ships:: CO: Half the fleet, including the carriers have stopped short, sir.



::looks down at the phaser on her own belt.. it's been there for at least a couple of weeks now::



CTO: What are they planning, Jo ?


ACTION: The Vonnegut and Flagstaff wings take up positions. Suddently, two dozen ships drop out of warp within weapons range, the Breen wasting no time in opening fire.



::takes a step towards Navigation:: aNAV: Punch through the first wave and turn us about.



CTO: Jo, as soon as we are through, fire at their engines.




::plots a path, using every eveasive maneuver he knows:: CTO: I'm giving you the best firing solutions I can.



CO: They aren't giving away any clues, but their history indicates they will take the offensive....



Self: You gotta love the Breen sense of punctuality.



aNAV: I'll take it into account.  ::Concentrates on firing patterns::


ACTION: The Dorsal section rushes forward, drawing fire and returning, meeting the wave of Breen ships head on and slipping through, before arcing gracefully about.



aOPS: Concentrate power into our forward shields when we are through.



::taps comm badge::*TAC*: Soule.. stay safe ok?



<Move CO's before action>




::reroutes the power as needed:: CO: Aye, sir.



::Starts firing once punched through::



::Tapps his commbadge to answer:: *CMO*: Made of neutronium..... You be safe too. ::Smiles.::



::turns to Lyon:: OPS: Tell the Flagstaff to hold on launching their fighters.




::coordinates with the other sections::



TAC: I will ::smiles::


CO: On it, sir. ::sends the message to the Flagstaff::


ACTION: The Hyperion fires upon the Breen engines, the enemy shielding now being hit from front and back; a frigate takes a hit to a nacelle, and goes careening through space before erupting in a brief shower of flame, the first casualty. It's followed quickly by one of the Miranda-class vessels.



OPS: We need them intact for when the carriers arrive.



::Stands guard of the turbolift door.::



::returns to his seat::



::Continues to fire carefully, not wanting to waste the shots::



CO: They acknowledge, sir. The Captain had the same idea.



::listens to the Bridge chatter, keeping an ear on the situation::





ACTION: The Flagstaff and Vonnegut quickly engage at the head of their wings, quantum torpedos and phasers flashing in rapid succession.



::Looks down, noting that the shields have had barely any damage::  CO: The Breen are concentrating on the older vessels Captain




::plots the next maneuvers::



CTO: Inform the oldies to fall back behind the line.



OPS: Commander, inform the other modules to cover the retreat.


ACTION: Another of the Mirandas, the Johannesburg, takes heavy fire; the USS Avalon moves to shield, focusing fire on one the Breen frigate and tearing it asunder.



::sends the order through to the modules, receiving acknowledgement:: CO: They acknowledge, sir.



::Sends the message to the fleet, for the older vessels to hold back, to allow protection from the newer ships::



OPS: Should we have the Flagstaff's wing regroup with the Mirandas?


ACTION: The older vessels begin to fall back, covered by middle and ventral portions of the Hyperion, forcing the Breen to focus more on the newer vessels.



::Is noting the strategy of the Breen ships::



::Fires more intensely::



::looks at the deployment of ships on the screen:: CO: Good idea.


OPS: Make it so.



::nods and transmits the orders to the Flagstaff::



CTO: Jo, the Mirandas with torpedo modules. Have them fall back to maximum torpedo range and set up formation.



::Nods in acknowledgement, one hand still firing, the other communicating with the Miranda::


ACTION: The Hyperion rocks as it begins to take more fire, but the recycling shields do their job, minimizing damage.



CO: Captain. The other half of the enemy fleet is back on the move.




::puts the module through its paces::


TAC: About time. Tell the Vonnegut to move forward and circle around.



::studies the theatre of battle, watching the enemy ships that haven't engaged yet::


ACTION: The Miranda's reform, now at a distance, and begin launching their payloads, providing a field of fire. Another two enemy frigates are destroyed, the cruisers moving in behind them.



CO: Aye sir. ::Moves over to the comm station to send the orders to the Vonnegut::



OPS: Tell the other modules to fall back and head towards the line with us. Tell the long range line to cover the fleet.




::monitors the power requirements of the tactical systems::


ACTION: A score of new vessels appear, including the carriers. As swarms of fighters and boarding craft spill from the Tzenkethi ships, the Breen swoop in, firing on the newer vessels and older cruisers. The Vonnegut rushes forward, drawing fire before moving to circle around behind the new ships, taking aim for one of the carriers.



::transmits the orders to the various ships::



CO: Time for the Flagstaff to send out the Mustangs? ::nods at the carriers moving in::



Self: We... are going to need a lot of firepower.....



::feels oddly energetic:: OPS: Agreed. Tell them to pick off any troop carriers.


ACTION: The Flagstaff responds in kind, launching its fighter wings, which swing about and launch a spectacular barrage of pulse phasers at the enemy fighters. The battle is now joined in full.



::smiles and sends the order to the Flagstaff, just as the fighters spill from the launch bays:: CO: They had the same idea.



::stands up, eyeing the battle overlay on the screen::



CTO/TAC: Move towards the carrier. Fire everything we've got.




::changes direction to give the tactical officers the best firing solutions::



::Eyes the overlay with the captain.:: CO: How did Atlantis and Sentinel last so long sir?



::Fires at the carrier, targetting the most likely weak spots::



TAC: Because they had to, Ensign.



CO: I wish I had a look at the battle report, find something that we can use now.


ACTION: The Hyperion's modules slice through the enemy fleet, dodging and firing as they make a beeline for the enemy carriers, which are focused on the Vonnegut.



::Doesn't pay attention to the conversation Douglas is having, as it doesn't directly involve the battle::



aOPS: Tell the Vonnegut to fall back and cover the flank.




CO: Aye, sir. ::transmits orders to the Vonnegut::


ACTION: One of the carrier's cannons fires at the Hyperion, heavily damaging the shielding. The Conn erupts in a shower of sparks, sending Ethan sprawling, heavily charred, to the ground. Meanwhile, alerts ring into Sickbay; injuries throughout the ship.



Self: Hamlet and Ilaihr survived... How did they do it...? What was their target on the  carriers...



TAC: Mr. Douglas, arm the forward launchers with quantum torpedoes. Fire when come up on their bow.



CO: Aye sir. ::Arms the forward launchers.::



::falls to his left, grabbing hold off the railing:: CTO: Recycle the shields!




::sprawls on the floor, smouldering::



Self: Bugger ::Works even harder to get the shields back up::



TAC: Fire at will!






::sees the helm spark, sees Ethan going flying and runs for the medkit:: *Sickbay*: Izzy, get your ass up here now!



Self: So this is it.. Medical Teams: Get a team to the Bridge, Now!  Search and Rescue teams, cover all decks! :: falls to the side onto the floor, thumping up against a biobed::


ACTION: A pointed, needle-like troop carrier weaves through the fire, its target clear ahead of them. It activates its afterburner, ignoring the Hyperion's shielding as it crashes into the hull, breaching it with ease.



::Thinks about running to Miller's side, but is too focussed on the carrier.::



::stands up, bruised:: *OPS*: On my way! Grabs a trauma kit and starts heading for the turbolift



::Falls to the ground with the impact, grabbing the rifle as she falls::



CO: Captain, intruder alert!






::turns to the MACO:: MACO: Deal with it!




*ALL*: Intruder alert. Intruder alert.



TL: Bridge!



::Cocks his rifle.::



::Touches her knife like a token, before raising the rifle::



::runs over to Navigation and sits down, bring the sublight engines to maximum for retreat::



Self: No.. ::yells at the nearest team of MACOs:: I need an escort to the Bridge



OPS: To your station!



::torn between duty and the heart for a moment:: CO: Aye, sir. ::lets the medical staff do their job when they arrive::



::waits as a couple of MACOs get onto the turbolift with her team and the TL speeds up to the Bridge::


SCENE: Smoke fills one of the cargo bays, a young crewman coughing and trying to get his bearings. It was dark, only brief red flashing providing any illumination. He pulls himself up on a crate, crying out in pain at his broken leg. He moves to sit, when he sees it: a blackened, heavily scraped bow, slowly opening. A hulking figure moves through the shadows, eventually standing at it's full height. It looses a primal roar before charging the crewman. It's enraged, painted, reptilian face is the last thing he sees.




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