- , Mission #

"Upgrades Complete"



The Sentinel holds position near Sigma Rho, the federation ships harassing the line of Tzenkethi while a small team led by Lieutenant Milner makes their way to the Station's Main Engineering to initiate self destruct manually. The jeffries tubes are crawling with Tzenkethi soldiers and the corridors are likely to be just as crowded, their mission is dangerous but they're some of the most well trained crewmembers in the sector. Will it be enough?


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resume Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



OPS: Status on the enemy fleet?



@::Gist slowly crawls through the jeffries tube, trying not to contemplate the double meaning of the term::



::Is monitoring the away team's progress on the sensors.::



CO: Defensive position, ma'am.  They're just trying to keep us at a distance.  Not much damage on either side.



@ Col: We have two more decks can you and the MACO hold off the lizards once in Engineerinf ? :: fires a phaser at a lizard coming down the tube::



:: sits in Sickbay drinking some cold raktajino and prepping for the next surgery. When would these people stop standing next to plasma conduits in the middle of a battle? ::



OPS: Do we have the option to push and go on the offensive?



:: Completes the start-up sequence for the spare Fusion shuttle-craft power-plant housed in Cargo bay 2.::



CO: That depends on if you want us to stay in one piece. Coinflip on who would come out on top.



OPS: Where ya optimism lieutenant?



::still figuring out how to buy time by jamming the enemies' signals, when some comm chatter comes through:: CO: Ma'am, enemy reinforcements are on their way, about an hour till they arrive.



::Shrugs:: OPS: It was just a thought. This line is holding, which is good. but it wont hold against their reinforcements....::sighs:: What are the coordinates that we're retreating to?



AMB: Thank you....let's hope our away team can succeed in that hour.



CO: I think we could do it...



@:: reaches the jefferies tube door for main engineering:: Gist: Cadet you go to the core and rig it to overload on a count, I will lock out core control from anywhere but this room! MACO: Soldiers your job is to make sure that no lizard gets anywhere near us All: Understood Gentlemen?



SCI: Do what?



:: Begins feeding power from the power-plant into the ship systems, watching power flows.::



@NAV: Understood sir. ::Runs towards the core, leaping over railing::



:: sighs and moves toward the next patient. This one has some pretty massive burns because of said plasma conduit ::



CO: Break the enemy's resolve by pushing an offensive.


ACTION: As the away team busts out of the jeffries tube, they come face to face with about twenty huge, towering Tzenkethi. The surprise at seeing three humanoids scuttling out of the tube are about the only thing that stops them all getting vapourised.



CO: When we retreat, it will be to the fleet at Kobliad, ma'am.  A few hours at low warp will let us reinforce them.



SCI: They have reinforcements within the hour. Even if we destroyed every last one of their ships that are here, we'll be in too sorry a shape to hold off another wave of ships. All in the span of an hour, on top of everything else



::Nods:: OPS: Good, make sure all battle ready ships have those coordinates. The evacs will go a separate way to keep the people away from the fighting.



@::Gist fires his rifle, sending a beam through one of the lizard's thick necks::


@ACTION: The Tzenkethi takes the hit, stumbling back with greenish blood leaking between its fingers. That becomes a cue for the others to begin firing, golden-yellow lances of disruptor fire smashing into the area around the away team.



::Sighs, looking at Sigma:: CO: You're right... it just doesn't feel right fallin' back again.



@All: Let's move :: fires phaser while jumping towards the console ::



SCI: I don't like it either, but if i have a chance to take them all out right now with one explosion, i'll take it. I'd rather see Sigma gone rather than see her in their hands.


ACTION: Disruptor fire cuts off Marcus, forcing him to either push through it or duck behind a chest-high wall.



@:: Hopes Gist makes it to the core without getting killed after jumping from the tube like that:: MACO: Dont forget the lower level there are lizards down there too, keep us covered



@: Ducks behind chest high wall and fires a spread of phaser blasts around trying to hit as many lizards as possible



CO: I understand ma'am...


@ACTION: Marcus' shots force the Tzenkethi to take cover, nailing one in the arm, but return fire smashes into one of the MACO caught out in the open - his armor holds for a moment, before it disappears along with most of his torso.



::Sensor console begins bleeping.:: All: Shit.... there's heavy phaser fire in engineering on Sigma....



@::Fires at the Tzenkethi that are shooting at Marcus::



CO: If I may, Captain, is it possible to try jamming their signals again? It could buy us a little bit of time at least. Maybe if we used several comm probes instead of just one?



:: The dermal regenerator is working overtime to fix this guy's wounds. His lifesigns are fluctuating mildly, but within safe ranges. ::



Self: No no no no no no no no..... CO: Shields in that section have gone up.... I can't beam them out...



@ :: Runs from the bulkhead while getting cover fire as they push back and take cover, firing at any lizard he can see, thinking of the brave soldier that just lost his life under his command::


@ACTION: The Tzenkethi take cover from the fire, athough shots from the other side begin to pound at Gist's cover.



SCI: That doesn't sound good



:: Feeds excess energy to the Phaser banks ::



::Thinks everything over:: AMB: I still think they'd just shoot down the probes. ::Turns:: SCI: Can we remotely shut down the shields for that section?



@:: reaches the first console and with one hand gains access and locks out engineering systems from the rest of the station::



@:: with the other hand on his phaser pointing in the direction of the enemy::



CO: Maybe, ma'am, but they'd be focusing on that instead of our ships..


@ACTION: Marcus' attempts at locking out Engineering blind him to the flanking Tzenkethi, one horrendously huge claw swiping at the man's chest, knocking him back from the console with a gaping wound to take care of.



AMB: No it is not my dear. ::Focuses intently on the telemetry:: Self: I canni even work out the odds....



CO: No captain. Doesn't mean I wont bledy try though.....



::Gists braces himself against his cover and sees Marcus get clawed:: NAV: Mark!



OPS: Sir, we have enhanced Phaser capacity by 10%.



SCI: Tachyon beam?



Self: Qu'vatlh..... CO: Remote access is down!



CO: I'll give it a go, it helps knowing the shield frequencies.



::Nods:: SCI: I shouldn't be surprised. We couldn't get access to activate the self destruct, so at worse, they'll have to take down the shields on their own.



CO: I'm chalking that up to why it failed earlier.


@ACTION: One of the MACO runs forward, narrowing dodging phaser fire to slam his weapon into the Tzenkethi attacking Marcus, firing to knock the lizard to the floor before dragging the stricken Lieutenant back towards the jeffires tube access.



@::Gist: RIG THE OVERLOAD :: Kicks the lizard and fires a red phaser blast through his face::



::furrows brow a bit, tapping finger on the console again. Sighs, continuing to listen to comms::



::Reconfigure the deflector dish to fire a tachyon beam. Re-modulating it to a Starfleet shield frequency::



@::Gist begins to "RIG THE OVERLOAD" but is slowed down by the reptiles' fire::



ENG: Thank you, Ensign. Any help to our firepower is good.  CO: We should consider the possibility of the away team being unable to complete their mission. We'd have to have every ship beam aboard who they can and blast the station to bits ourselves.



CO: Ready to fire on your mark ma'am...



:: finally, the worst of the burns are dealt with, but a new patient has now appeared, a crewmember who has somehow chosen now to give birth. This should be interesting... ::



:: Begins taking apart the QSD relay, muttering an old Romulan curse to Kludge-makers.::



::Nods:: OPS: Acknowledged. I'm trying to avoid that, since we'll use all our weapons and still have an enemy fleet on our tail.



SCI: Mark.



::Fires the tachyon beam, remodulating it as it strikes the shield, trying to find the right frequency.::


ACTION: The Tachyon beam fires at the Sigma Rho's shields, targetting the engineering section below the bulb. The beam is sustained for five seconds, then ten....fifteen...until finally the shields begin to fluctuate, flickering in an out briefly.



@::Gist continues, not seeing the Tzenkethi above him until one narrowly misses, Gist ducks and fires sending a Tzenkethi spiralling from the upper level, Gist retreats to a better poistion::



CO: It's weakening....not enough yet.


@ACTION: The Tzenkethi spread out to flank the away team, the MACO covering the jeffries tube exit with Marcus while Gist pushes ahead. Phaser and disruptor fire scores the bulkheads, the stink of ozone fresh in the air.



SCI: Keep at it. Give it more power if need be.



@*GIst*: your out of time and out numbered set the charges and get to a jefferies tub you have 1 minute and I'm beaming us out



CO: I'm readying the transporters.... if I can time it right.... but I need confirmation from the away team.



:: The twisted houses falls away with the soothing hiss of a laser cutter.  Three pump assemblies, a vacuum chamber, and an array of electronics are woven tightly into the center stack.  Plasma conduits still hidden below.  The acrid smell of burnt components is stronger now.::



CO: Or if they canni do it, I could beam 'somethin' in whilst gettin them out....



@*CO*: Away team to Sentinel, we are setting charges now need beam out in one minute! I'm hurt bad ma'am and I'm down a MACO



@::Gist lets out a yells and jumps back towards the core, narrowly escaping phaser fire, and finishes setting the charges::



::Looks at Stradiot:: CO: Or I could beam them out.... ::Is working on it, still tweaking the tachyon beam.::



*NAV*: We're working on it. Sentinel out.



SCI/OPS: Get them out of there.



Self: Almost....there....


@ACTION: A stray disruptor blast catches Gist across the arm, sending his phaser rifle spinning across the deck to slam against one of the far bulkheads.



@*Gist* are the charges set your time is up?



::chews her lip, listening to the chatter between the bridge and Rho::



::  Replaces pneumatic tubing, electrical contacts, and melted wiring.  A capacitor discharges harmlessly into a resistor bank.  Crewman Bickers pauses to watch over my shoulders.::


SCI: Beam Marcus straight to sickbay when we have his signal. ::taps at his console:: CO: Ma'am, three of our ships are departing, taking the evacuees with them to Kobliad. They will catch transport out from there.



::Gist lets out a yell and ducks behind his cover, *NAV*: Their set! ::Draws knife out of boot::



Crewman: Alright, just breathe. A few more minutes... :: looks at a nurse and is practically begging him for help here ::



::Powers down the beam, before dumping auxiliary power into the deflector emitters and fires it again.::



@*CO*: Captain 3 to beam out now!



::Nods:: OPS: Signal the fleet as soon as we get our team back. Have them move out. Take us to a safe distance...I want to make sure this job gets done.



::Gets a lock:: All: Energising!!!



::fingers dance across the console to make sure all the information gets where it needs to--including picking up the MACOs before things go boom::



:: Delves into the lower housing, bypassing the plasma junction to de-energize the lines. ::


ACTION: The away team dematerialise in a blue fuzz, the transporter hanging for a second, flickering as it struggles to get through the fluctating shields before everything snaps into place as the Sickbay suddenly have 5 extra people - one of them quite dead.



Self: Got yer, ya fookin' bast'rds....



:: jumps :: NAV: You look like you've seen better days.


ACTION: Onboard the Rho, the Tzenkethi move through Main Engineering checking their wounded and dead. One happens to glance at the charge, tilting its head at the timer as it counts down from 3....2.....1....



aNAV: Engage!



::breathes a sigh of relief::



::Incomprehensible Scottish gibberish.::



CMO: Doc, this really sucks! Help :: breathes and lies his head back::


ACTION: An explosion tears the bulkhead from the Engineering section of the Rho, explosive decompression ripping the Tzenkethi from their feet to fly out into space along with debris, consoles and bulkheads shattering like glass, tearing apart like cheap paper



::Gist let's out a a pained grunt:: CMO:Oh, don't mind me. I just got shot.



:: gestures for a nurse to take over the birth and hurries over :: NAV: Well, it appears that you made a new friend. :: grabs a trauma kit ::



TAC: Hmm, the injured arm or the large potentially life-threatening gash... I'm afraid I have to give the latter priority



:: Finished the easy part of replacing broken components.  Taev starts sealing up the case in preparation of moving the QSD Relay.::



All: Get us all out of here.



CMO: At least get somebody to tend to me dang it!



SCI: Monitor the station...Let's make sure the reaction will take the station with it.



TAC: First blood on first away mission wear it with pride, I'm gonna take the doc now and not die. Stop whining



:: laughs :: TAC: If you insist, cadet. :: spots a random nurse :: Nurse: Nurse Roberts, if you'd be so kind?



::Nods:: CO: Aye cap'n



:: meanwhile, fishing in the medkit for a sedative :: NAV: You're going to have to take a little nap. Your injuries require surgery. :: doesn't wait for an answer, just sticks him with the hypo. ::



::shakes head at the sensors:: CO: Reading heavy damage to the Rho's engineering section, but she is still running instead of going critical. Secondary power is keeping her shields up.



NAV: Heh, away missions are nothing to what I went through, let's hope someone upstairs is recording the big boom. ::Eyes the nurse:: Self: Why do I get the ugly one?



::frowns at Gist, her transparent skull showing a quivering brain behind - she looks like she wants to stab something with her hypo::



OPS: Impossible.... the reactor shoulda gone up....



::Almost growls as she stands up:: OPS: Beam over more charges. Let's not show the enemy what we're doing.



CO: MACO teams pulling out...with the last of the evacs, all retreating to Kobliad. If we want her blown up proper, we will have to do it ourselves.



CO: Aye, more explosives coming right up.



:: Loads the Relay onto a grav-sled, along with the QSD QRM, a laser collimeter, toolkit, and timing interferometer.::



:: now that Marcus is unconscious, it's time to deal with the fun internal bleeding and collapsed lung ::



CO: Can add some torpedoes to that if you want...



::alerts the armory to prep some more charges to beam straight down Rho's metaphorical throat::



::Gist holds his hands up defensivley. Gesh: Keep in mind I have suffered considerable trauma and thus prone to gibberish. ::Gist lets out a worried laugh::



Self: Whoa.... CO: If we're gonna do it we gotta do it now... 50 or more ships are about to drop out of warp.



::frowns a little more:: TAC: I'll let you off if you buy me dinner.



SCI: If the enemy sees us firing at the station, they wont come near it. I want to use this to our advantage. ::Looks back at him:: Fire at the engineering deck. We've lost our chance.



CO: Captain Griffiths and his mystery ship are pulling out. ::frowns at his console:: Tzenkethi reinforcements arriving; they're advancing.



::Nods.:: All: Arming quantum torpedoes .... firing....



:: Pauses, returns to Console #2, looking at the power draws. ::



:: works on Marcus' collapsed lung while a medtech deals with the internal bleeding ::


ACTION: The Sentinel begins to pound on the Sigma Rho, her torpedoes slamming into the shields, ripping away some of the weakened hull beneath. The advancing Tzenkethi ships move into weapons range as well, and the Sentinel shudders and shakes as long range disruptor fire and badly aimed torpedoes explode in the space around her.



Nurse Gesh: Great, it'll be easier to see what dirty little thoughts go around in that head of yours. ::Gist pauses then facepalms:: Self:Lord help me, that was bad...



:: Increases power draw from Auxiliary to reinforce shields.::



::smirks, then finally gives him a shot of analgesic::



Self: Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit.....



Self: C'mon!!!! Why wont you die.....


ACTION: A full Tzenkethi fleet, multiple carrier wings, scores of cruisers and frigates, drop out of warp and begin to advance.



SCI: As soon as you see Rho going up, let us know. OPS: As soon as you hear, get us out, maximum warp.



Medtech: See about making sure that no other internal organs were harmed. :: the patch on the lung was simple, now it just needs to reinflate ::



ENG: Prepare to go to warp.






::Maximises the yield, and fires some more::



CO: Aye Ma'am.



:: Preps the Warp Core, engaging systems.::



Gesh: You know, A lot of wonderfull relationships start with someone jabbing a sharp needle into the other. ::Gist groans:: Self: Crud, where do these come from?



:: Click, WHHrrrrrh, Beep.::


ACTION: The Rho's shields continue to fluctuate, hammered with torpedoes and phaser fire, but the Tzenkethi close and the Sentinel - all alone - begins to get pummelled. Consoles explode on the bridge, one poor crewman goes flying through the air as he stupidly didn't hold onto something, landing with a thud at the base of the viewscreen.



OPS: Warp Drive ready.



CO: I don't know if we're gonna penetrate the statuin shields in time.



::Shakes her head and sighs:: All: We lost our chance.....Maximum Warp. Engage!



::slips over from his sparking, explode-y ops station to nav and PUNCHES IT::



::shields her eyes as her console explodes, diving to the floor to avoid getting burned:: Self: Agh! ::this is one hell of a first day..::



::Fires one last volley.::


ACTION: The Sentinel turns, her dorsal shields taking a beating before she punches ahead, ripping through subspace at ludicrous speed and going to warp, torpedoes following in her wake - far too slow to catch up.



::immediately starts attempting to put out the flames, barking at anyone not injured to go check on the others::



:: Orders Crewman Birks to load the Grav-sled onto a Shuttle.::



::Moves over towards the TL but falls before she gets to it and passes out from the injury to her head::



::picks herself up off the floor and goes to find a fire suppressor, begins dousing flames::



::Rushe  to the captain's aid::



*Sickbay*: Medical team to the bridge.



::coughs from the acrid smoke in the air:: SCI: Is she all right?



:: sighs in the middle of the surgery :: *Bridge* Whatever it is, carry whoever it is down here. There are too many folks here as it is.



::finishes dousing the flame she's working on and puts the fire suppressor down, running for an emergency medkit::



All: I need status updates and casualty reports ASAP people, soon as you are on your feet. ::goes to check on that poor guy that flew all the way to the viewscreen::



::Picks the captain up.::



OPS: Engineering in good shape, no casualties.



*Sickbay*: So be it...



OPS: The bridge it appears is your's sir.



:: offers a curse as she tries to piece back together that admittedly impressive claw wound in Marcus' chest ::



::Walks into the TL cradling the captain.:: TL: Sickbay!



::grabs the tricorder from the medkit:: Self: I hope I remember my emergency med training... ::scans the captain::



OPS: Sir, we have some hull damage along the top of the ship, torpedo bays out of commission for the moment.  And we'll need a little time to recharge the Phaser banks.



AMB: Concussion?



OPS:  What is the priority sir?



Anyone: What happened?!



::assists the remaining bridge crew in tending to the injured and assessing who needs to get to sickbay sooner as opposed to later, barking that he needs to be notified if ANYTHING happens before getting to Kobliad:: ENG: Thank you, Ensign; we will just have to hope that we get time for repairs when we reach our destination. Work on our weapons in the meantime.



::reads the tricorder:: SCI: It appears so, you'd better get her to sickbay as soon as you can.



:: doesn't bother to respond to the half-dozen people wanting her attention. It's been a looong day ::



ENG: I do not want to get caught with only spare parts to throw in case we have another fight on our hands.



::Bursts through sickbay's door.:: All: The captain!



SCI: One moment, I'll come with you, let me see if I can get the bleeding to stop. ::grabs a dermal regenerator from the kit and begans running it over the cut::



:: leaves Main Engineering, heading to the Computer Core for access to the primary torpedo guidance computer.::



<move that um.. a couple lines earlier>



Self: Son of a bitch. :: turns to the medtech and just points at Marcus, indicating for her to deal with this :: SCI: Give me a damn minute...



:: Yells at Crewman Birks, "And get that Grav-sled to the Shuttle!"


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Pause Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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