- , Mission #

"Upgrades Complete"



The Sentinel is in drydock, under Station power, currently getting a fancy new upgrade to their drive systems with the addition of a Quantum Slipstream engine. The crew, meanwhile - at least those who don't have more pressing concerns - are enjoying a little shore leave on the station, with it's many sights, sounds and sceneries to partake in.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resume Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



::Steps onto the bridge...her bridge. Looking around, she feels more at home, but more nervous for her first command. Shaking her head she walks into the Ready Room to see her new office and desk.:: Self: It's unreal...



:: Pushing furiously at blocks mounted on the wall in Sickbay with his legs, pumping back and forth to pass a physical.::



:: monitors the results and logs them ::



::doing his damnedest to AVOID his physical. primarily by remaining on the starbase. trying to relax, thank you very much. curling up with a nice manual on quantum slipstream engines. ...it's the layman's version.::



::has finished moving into her quarters, now heading down to sickbay for the aforementioned physical::



:: Notices the Captain entering the bridge and then to her ready room, while still maintaining a close eye on the sensor readings at his tactical station::



Computer: Computer, which deck is Sickbay on? Self: Might as well get this out of the way...



CMO: How much longer Ma'am?



ENG: Just a few more seconds... done!



::Is in engineering checking on the Quantum Slipstream Drive, PADD in hand, making preliminary simulations::



AUX: The Sickbay is located on Deck Seven.



::finds the nearest turbolift:: TL: Deck 7, Main sickbay.



::Pours herself a drink and sits down at her desk, looking over some PADDs::



:: lowers his legs and pants heavily, then slides off the bed to get on his feet.::



Self: I just cannae wait for this to be ready... ::Stare at the Drive in awe::



::the turbolift smoothly glides to deck 7, and opens the doors::



::steps off the turbolift, looking around for sickbay::



::finally finds SB doors after walking down a long hallway, and enters::



ENG: Thank you, Cadet. That'll be about it. Have a good day!



CMO: Doctor, what is my health results?  Am I okay?



aENG: Crewman, do we have an eta on when installation will be complete?



:: Shuffles back nervously.::



CMO: Hello, I was told I'm supposed to report here for a physical?



ENG: Your health is perfectly normal, so no need to worry.



::peeks out from under a console, ODN cables in his mouth:: SCI: Ha'hou hree hays! ::pulls himself back under the console::



@::rolls shoulders and glances at the clock:: *SCI*: Lieutenant, congratulations are in order.  How are those upgrades coming along? You know you are allowed to enjoy a shore leave. For once.



AMB: Hello, Ambassador. Yes, I believe you're next on the list! :: tries not to be overly cheery, everyone seems to hate physicals, but it's been a surprisingly good day so far. ::



:: Nods :: CMO: Thank you Ma'am.  :: Exits Sickbay quickly and heads for a Turbolift.::



::Decides to make a round of the ship, starting with engineering. She leaves the RR and takes the TL down.::



:: After setting the last of the parameters, he locked his console and strode the turbolift:: Computer: Deck 7 Sickbay



::plops herself down on the nearest biobed:: CMO: All right, ready when you are..



TL: Engineering


ACTION: Sickbay is a small hive of activity, the handful of doctors working alongside their Chief to complete the backed up crew physicals. Engineering looks the same, with crews of technicians bustling about and a gaping cavern where the warp core once sood, leading directly out into space where worker bees maneuver the new core in position.



::Is so focussed on the drive he gets startled when Baudin's voice appears from nowhere before responding:: *OPS*: Ach, lieutenant... you made me jump. ::Chuckles:: Everything seems to be coming along quite nicely. An' I could, but after last time, I think I'll skip this one in favour of the next one.



CMO: Looks busy today, you must have a big crew here.



:: Checks his PADD for the next series of hull fasteners to replace ::



:: The Turbolift comes to a hault and the doors open and he walks down the corridor to sickbay::



:: begins recording heartrate, breathing, etc. :: AMB: Alright, just sit still and relax while the scan is being completed. And all of this mess is too many people showing up at the same time.



:: The doors open to sickbay and he notices it is quite full::



:: Enters Main Engineering and grabs a toolkit and Junction Box retrofit kit.::



*OPS*: I only went oot for a drink, and got my arse kidnapped and experimented on.



::takes a deep breath, in, out..::



::says Ahhh..::



@::is that a chuckle? it's a sound that vaguely resembles one, anyway:: *SCI*: I cannot fault your caution, Hamlet, although actual rest and actual relaxation may do you good. So long as you don't go stir crazy before our next leave...it could be some time.



:: Enters the line of awating crew members to have their physicals dreading the good doctors evalutation of his health::



::Enters Engineering and looks around. Finding the crews installing the new drive, she walks over to observe the work.::



CMO: I'm sure things will calm down once the ship gets going again



:: Pulls up the plasma conduit map on Console 2, showing which boxes still need work.  An algorithm runs through his head for least time travel between boxes.::



::Notices Stradiot enter engineering.:: CO: Commander! Or should I say Cap'n...


ACTION: The new core slowly gets pushed into the opening, sliding up gradually bit by bit until once more it occupies the same space as the old one, climbing up to the ceiling and beyond in the centre of Main Engineering



::Smiles:: SCI: Lieutenant. Why aren't you on shore leave?



AMB: Probably. Alright, the scan is done. Now for the hard part: the physical test. If you would? :: preps the test ::



::glances around at the various crewmembers, noting different races, languages spoken::



:: Climbs in a Jeffries tube and starts working up two decks::



:: Waiting as patiently as he can, figuratively chomping at the bit to get some shore leave::



::lays down and puts her feet on the block thingies::



CO: After last time? I'd rather work on this anyway. I'd be shite scientist.



:: starts tapping his foot in the middle of sickbay::



:: Reaches the junction box and tests the lines connecting.::



::hauls himself up the jeffries tube to come face-to-face with Taev:: ENG: Uhh, Cadet! I thought I had this duty on the roster? ::panics a little, fumbling his duty PADD out::



::Nods:: SCI: Understandable. Did you get a chance to speak with a councellor about it?



CO: Have you met my wife?



ENG: Bickers, I see you brought the necessary gear.



*SCI*: You know, we could assign a security team to you. Or I could try my hand at fending off any would-be kidnappers. ::what's that, interrupt a conversation he doesn't know is happening? perish the thought::



::fumbles his PADD onto the floor with a whimper:: ENG: I...yeah...I guess....I thought I....



::looks around to see if the CMO has wandered off.. shouldn't she be doing the physical test?::



ENG: This line is passing live Plasma, shut it off on the lower line to allow access.



:: after a brief moment of distraction logging results, she turns back and starts up the test :: AMB: Sorry about the pause, sometimes these computers take too long chewing data. And... begin.



::Shakes her head:: SCI: Sorry Lieutenant, I haven't gotten around to meeting much family yet.



::fumbles open his kit and nods, grabbing a phase inducer to adjust the plasma flow before crawling back down and finding the panel, shoving the tool in and quickly powering it down:: ENG: Try now!



::begins pushing the blocks back and forth as fast as she can with her feet::



*OPS*: Dunnae worry, the Cap'n 'n' I are currently presiding over the greatest advancement in Starfleet history, since the development of the Warp-5 engine.



ENG: Thank you crewman, have you been to Starbase 123 before? :: Tears open the junction box ::



Self: Tis a thing of beauty.



:: Crams in the linear actuators, mashing fingers...  again::



::finds his balance as he works in the panel, calm and collected and focussed on maintaining plasma regulation:: ENG: Oh? Uh, yeah, once. My first posting was here, working on the Mark Eighteen DSSA they have fitted.



@*SCI*: You are starting to make me jealous. Perhaps I should cut my leave early.



:: Closes up the Junction box :: ENG: Restart the Plasma flow, ease it slowly



::nods, increasing the flow slowly as he redirects it until it's once more passing through the junction above them::



*OPS*: Nah, you enjoy it lieutenant, the real fun begins when we get you back anyways.



ENG: Thank you Crewman, I'll let you work on the rest in the series.  There's someone I need to check on.



::Smiles and looks back at the work:: SCI: It really is something.



CO: Well, ma'am you should come for dinner some time. We'd be happy to have ya.



::nods, clocking himself in the head with the phase inducer before nodding again:: ENG: Uh, Yessir. ::hurries off down the jeffries tube to get to the others, toolkit clacking along behind him::



CO: Think of the things we'll do, the places we'll go....



:: finishes recording the results :: AMB: Alright, that should be it. Everything looks good. You're all set to go!



CMO: Great, how'd I do?



:: Climbs out of the Jeffries tube, then heads to the Turbolift.



::Still tapping foot:: CMO: So does that mean I am next Doc??



AMB: Perfectly. I don't actually think anyone's come through yet today with poor results.



*CMO: Doctor, have you had a chance to look after the lady we discussed earlier?


ACTION: A lost-looking woman hurries along until she stumbles over Vikram with a screech, tumbling them both to the ground, QS Drive PADDS flying every-which-way



::wipes a little bit of sweat off of her face:: TAC: You're next ::smiles::



CO: An old friend of mine serves aboard the Atlantis, says when she's active the QSD is even more spectacular; albeit bumpier than we're used to with warp.



:: lifts an eyebrow :: TAC: I do so very much appreciate your patience, Lieutenant. Sit down and we'll get started. :: a faint scowl appears. She noticed the foot-tapping. ::



::Laughs very lightly:: SCI: We'll see. We'll see. I'm going to inspect a few other places. Since you're here, let me know if anything goes wrong.



:: Looks at the Ambassador and nods in appreciation, Steps up to the Doctor:: CMO: Ok, Whats first doc im ready to hit my shore leave:



::quickly gets up, ready to pounce into action--oh. it's just...someone he'll offer a hand to help up:: Woman: Are you all right? I apologize if I was in the way.



:: Sits down as instructed::



::Smiles:: CO: You'll be the first to know.



:: smiles sweetly and turns to Cadet Taev :: ENG: Yes, I did. The medical staff on the starbase are going to start a regiment that should help her.



:: Enters Turbolift :: TL: Deck 7



::hops down off of the biobed, heading out of sickbay::




::looks utterly flustered:: OPS: Oh Prophets, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have been rushing, I know, I just have to get to an appointment! ::without another word she stumbles, turning and walking away at a very brisk pace::



*CMO: Thank you Doctor.



Self: ...I will just clean this up then. ::squints after the woman, bending down to gather up dropped PADDs::



::Nods and walks out of Engineering and starts towards sickbay::



:: returns her attention to Lieutenant Milner :: TAC: Now, if you would kindly sit still and relax, we'll get this over with soon.



:: Stands around the door to sickbay, then starts pacing ::



CMO: I would have been relaxed if i didnt have to wait an hour to have a simple physical done



CMO: I assure you I don't run my department like this one Doctor :: He said with a sneer and a smig face::



::wait, this PADD isn't one of his... he rises to call after the woman:: Woman: You dropped--! ::no, but she's gone. might as well give a merry chase if he can. she might need it for her appointment, after all.::



TAC: Yes, it's such a shame that you got here at the tail end of the queue. If you hadn't noticed, there are quite a few people here. Now do so kindly, shut up before I stick you with an old-fashioned needle simply because I can.



:: Takes a long walk, through a series of Turbolifts, exits onto Starbase 123.::



:: Stunned by the CMO his smug face turns to anger:: CMO: You would'nt dare, first it is a threat to a superior officer second it breaks your hippocratic oath. So how about you remember who your talking to jg and lets get the physical done with.



:: He glared at the cocky doctor::



:: Takes a TL down to Level 43, looking for Slanner's::



:: still smiling sweetly :: TAC: I have the power to declare you unfit for duty, sir. You're the one acting like veruul, so I will treat you like one. Now please sit still.



::Steps into sickbay, smiling at the memories the medical rooms give her.::



:: Finds the shipping office, peers nervously through the window. ::



::she's long gone, and he can only go so far. only a few people he quickly asks can give him any idea where a Bajoran woman in a hurry went, and their directions point him in opposite ways. she'll just have to go without. with a sigh, he glances over it, hoping it's not personal--and stops.::



::steps towards a computer console in the hallway:: Computer: Show me the Lounge


ACTION: A short map appears on the closest wall panel, showing directions to The Bulwark



::Takes another good look at the drive:: Self: The final frontier is so much closer now....



::steps towards the Lounge, to begin her exploration of the ship...::



CMO: Fine Doctor, Ill sit still if you can make this quick :: He sits rigid upright and waits for his examination::



<Bulwark, not Lounge>



:: Stares longingly at a shipping clerk, then hurries back toward his ship.  SELF: Need flowers.::



:: keeps the smile plastered to her face as she runs the scan, taking just a bit longer than needed :: TAC: Absolutely, sir.



Self: Looks like I am cutting my leave short after all... ::tucks the PADD away and himself hurries off back in the direction of the ship::


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Pause Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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