- , Mission #



SUMMARY: With the intruder aboard neutralized, the Hyperion, currently in MVAM, followed the heading they received mysteriously using an old SFI method of communication. What awaits them at Nuvia? We're about to find out...






::coordinates with the middle and ventral sections to chart the system when they arrive::



::Continues to rotate her shoulder whilst on the bridge, still feeling a healing ache::



::is busy finalizing the report on Wick to take up to the Bridge::



:: Looks at his readings on the console:: CO: We are about 10 min. out from the Nuvia, I slowed us down a little bit to mask our trail.



::Is at TAC, monitoring the weapon and shield systems.::



::steps onto the Bridge, sipping a raktajino:: NAV: Good man. Shut down external lights on all modules.



::grabs a PADD with a recording of the interview, plus toxicology reports, and heads towards the turbolift::



::sighs in frustration:: XO: Still no answer, sir. Starting to feel a little lonely out here...



OPS: Anything on comms from our mysterious friend ?



CO: Aye Sir. :: Does what the Captain asked::



TL: Bridge ::the doors slide shut and the turbolift wisks her upwards::



::walks over to Sara and puts a hand on her shoulder:: AXO: I hear ya. ::removes the hand and takes a sip of his coffee::



::steps off of the turbolift and enters the Bridge:: CO: Captain, you wanted to see me?



::Looks up at the Captain's entrance, sending him her tactical status report for him tp peruse at his leisure::



::integrates the information from Stellar Cartography:: CO: No sir. Not a peep.



::waves the Doctor over::



::steps over to the Captain's chair, PADDs in hand::



OPS: Keep your ears open.



AXO: Take the chair please. ::smiles::



::checks the information again:: CO: Sir, Nuvia is a settled system, friendly with the Federation but not members. ::nods at the Captain's words::



::Notices the activity on the bridge, burying himself in the console, making sure the systems are 100% prepped.::



OPS: Passive scans of the planets and vessels, give me an idea of what we're looking at.



MED: Yes?



::puts the information on the screen:: CO: On screen sir. Two Federations transponders on two of the three vessels, the other without a transponder at all.



::Keeps ongoing tactical scans for weapons signatures::



MED: I don't read medical, give me the short version. ::Stands up to talk with Rousseau::



::Steps onto the main engineering deck, Checks various panels and readouts from the three Modules:: *OPS*: Rilu to Lyons, Commander I am reading green across the board between the modules, all systems functioning within normal parameters.



:: Puts out commands for standard evasive maneuvers to the to remaining sections:: CO: We are about 5 minutes out Sir.



CO: Basically, sir, what I found out was that Wick seemed to have been influenced by some sort of drugs that Amon was giving him, making him very susceptible to whatever Amon wanted him to do,



::gives Gunn a nod::



::Sets up an alert system to inform her if anything is found on her scans, and starts reading tactical reports::



::listens:: MED: So he wasn't in control?



*ENG*: Understood, Ensign. Let me know if the situation changes. ::knows of the new engineer but with everything going on hasn't had time to meet with them yet::



::Over hears Izzy's conversation with the captain::



::Notices the console flashing:: ALL: We're being scanned!



::looks up:: TAC: Bring up the ship on viewer.



::takes a breath, centering herself:: CO: Sir, he wanted Wick to cause a distraction in Sickbay, to kill the doctors to draw security away from what he intended to do, which was destroy the ship



::Drops her PADD, and tries to find the source and the nature of the scan::



::Types in the command, and brings the ship scanning them on screen::



MED: The drug that was introduced into his system, is there any way to scan for it using onboard sensors?



CO: No, he very much wasn't in control



TAC: Which ship, Ensign?


ACTION: Once in range, the Nuvia system shows on the viewscreen, showing a trio of ships: An Akira, a familiar Defiant-class vessel, and a fancy-looking angular ship, seemingly of Federation design.



CO: I don't see why not. I have the toxicology report here. I should be able to identify the drug


::Nods his head at the viewscreen for Lyon:: OPS: That one.



MED: Try using internal sensors....if that doesn't work, I want random medical checks on all key personnel. ::nods to signal she's dismissed::



::walks closer to the screen:: TAC: Which one, there's three of them.....zoom in on that Defiant.



::frowns at the ship with the unfamiliar design::



::nods:: CO: Aye, sir. I'll get on that right away.



OPS: Give me everything you have on those ships.



::Zooms in on the defiant class.::



MED: Use secondary life support on the Bridge.



CO: If they were successful in scanning us, we should be trepidatious Sir. It must have advanced tech, IF it was successful.



:: Puts out commands to the remaining section for attack patterns, just in case::



CO: Yes sir ::steps over to the secondary life support station::



NAV: One quarter impulse, Ensign Gunn.



::fingers flying across his console:: CO: Aye, sir. Pulling information on the two ships with transponders. One of the ships doesn't have a transponder.


ACTION: The Defiant-class ship appears to be the Vonnegut.



OPS: Let me guess, the weird one.



::gives a smile to Douglas as she passes by his station::



::smiles as he sees the registration code:: Self: Harris.



:: Makes it one quarter impulse like the Captain said:: CO: Aye Sir.



::shrugs:: CO: The ship that appears to be the Vonnegut, shows a different transponder, sir.



::Sees Izzy pass by and smiles, shakes his head trying not to distract himself.::



::punches a few buttons on the console and starts the scan for the drug in question::



::walks over to Lyon:: OPS: What is it broadcasting?



::Grows more serious as she recognises the Vonnegut:: CO: Sir, this makes me more suspicious. Why would Captain Harris be here?



::pulls up the transponder information:: CO: It says it's the Issiquah.



CTO: Perhaps he got the same message?



CTO: I think we're probably going to find out soon.,



CO: Which in itself isn't right since the Issiquah is supposed to be an Excelsior refit.



OPS: Scan his nose, he ejected his warhead remember.



CO:Can I send recognition codes, see if they respond in kind?



CTO: Let's try something different. Hail Harris' personal channel, Captain's authorization.



::brings the ship's scanners to bear on the Vonnegut/Issiquah's nose:: CO: We have an incoming general hail, sir.



::Continues to monitor ship read out, Runs hand over knife in his belt unconsciously::



CTO: Belay that.



OPS: Audio only, don't reply.



::opens the channel to receive only:: CO: Aye, sir. Incoming only.



::Is about to initiate a connection to Harris' personal channel, linking it through to Rome for him to input his Captain's code, but halts on Rome's orders::



::steels himself for the new information::



::Listens carefully, to see if she can recognise the voice, the inflections::




*Hyperion*: Vonneugt to Hyperion, this is Admiral Walker. Please respond.



::let's out a sigh of relief, recognising Walker's voice and motions for Lyon to open the channel::



::opens the channel completely, nodding to the Captain::



::Is getting a strange feeling in his stomach abput there current situation.::



*Vonnegut*: Vonnegut this is the Hyperion. Admiral, we need to talk.



::looks down at the console as the scan completes itself:: CO: There doesn't seem to be any evidence of the drug anywhere else on the ship besides Amon's quarters, sir.



::looks at the Doctor and motions for OPS::




*CO*: That we do, Captain. I'd apologize for all the cloak and dagger, but I'm guessing you understand the need for it at this point. How was your trip to Betreka?



::Still feels unsure about Walker, and pays attention, preparing to put forward recommendations::



::Looks at the Doctor.:: MED: Izzy, what can you tell me about the drugs used?



*Walker*: With all due respect sir, what the hell were you thinking sending me there? ::grows angrier as he steps closer to the screen::




::sighs softly:: *CO*: I needed to send someone I could trust. What did you find there, Captain?






TAC: They raise dopamine and Seratonin levels, which made Wick very easily influenced..



::listens closely to the conversation::



::Laughs at what Walker says, under his breath.:: Self: What did we find....... ::Shaking his head, nearly missing what Izzy said.::



MED: Was it anything like Scopolamine?



TAC: in effect, whatever Amon told him to do, he believed him and thought nothing of doing it..



*Walker*: A large shipyard, mostly Federation design, ships...mix of Cardassian, Orion, Federation...amongst others....sir it was being run by someone calling himself Gregory. No last name. Fan of black.



::Murmers:: Self: Reminded me of someone else



::adds under his breath:: CO: Don't forget Breen and other nasties.



NAV: Ensign, contact Engineering and prepare to reassamble the modules.




*CO*: Damn it... I didn't want to believe the reports... Captain, it's time to fill you in completely. I'm going to patch you in to Agent Morrison, who commands the Navarone.



:: Looks up at the screen, hoping that Breen design ship could be in there as well:: CO: Aye Sir. :: Starts to make preparation for reassambling the ship::



*Walker*: Agent? A spook ?



OPS: Lyon, transmit our findings to the Admiral please.



CO: Aye, sir. Transmitting data now.




*CO*: With Starfleet Intelligence, yes. Don't worry, Captain; he's on our side.



::Looks over at Lyon, with raised eyebrows in case he recognised the name::



::nods to the Admiral:: *Walker*: I trust you, sir.



::sends Joanne a text to her console:: CTO: But we spooks are nice, normal people.



::gives a small shake of his head::


::Hears 'Agent', and clasps the console.:: Self: I don't like this.



NAV: When we're assembles, park us alongside the Vonnegut.



TAC: Not exactly a truth serum, more of a neurotransmitter enhancer..



::Gives a sideways glance to Douglas, wondering if he had any awareness of her history::


ACTION: A middle-aged human man appears on screen, a somewhat grim look on his face. Meanwhile, the ship prepares for assembly.



::Sends a message back:: OPS: Speak for yourself, Normal is boring. I've never heard of him, not even in passing.



*Morrison*: Agent Morrison.




*CO*: Captain. Special Agent Morrison, Starfleet Intelligence. It's good to meet you, finally.



::Glances at Feyna and nods:: MED: Can you show me the chemical formula of the substance Izzy? I want a look at it.



::nods:: *Morrison*: Wish I could say the same, Special Agent Morrison....I think it's time someone told me what's happening.



TAC: Sure, have a look ::punches up the chemical formula on the Toxicology report PADD and hands it over to Douglas::



:: Sends last orders down to engineering:: CO: Aye Sir.



::sends reply:: CTO: </sarcasm>

for the previous comment. Don't know him either. Don't think he's very high up, but we should check.




::nods in agreement:: *CO*: I understand you've had dealings with Section 31 in the past, Captain. How much do you know about their organization?



::Takes the PADD and smiles at Izzy:: MED: Thank you. I am intrigued.......



:: Looks at the sections assembling together like a glove at his console and starts to put in moving orders on pending::



::tries not to look phased:: *Morrison*: Only one member....I've heard the stories, but strangely enough there's nothing to look up in the computer banks.



::smile back:: TAC: let me know what you find out



::Replies to Lyon::  OPS: I think Rome does sarcasm better than you today! You want to prod intel about him, or shall I?



CO: Ship assembled Sir and in line with the Vonnegut. :: Looks at his console where everything is running smoothly::




::nods:: *CO*: Believe it or not, Section 31 is actually mandated in the original Federation Charter. They are as officially a part of Starfleet as you or I... the're just not supposed to be talked about.



MED: Well, for a start, it doesn't appear to be naturally occupying.



::sends a pouting emoticon:: CTO: Text does not convey sarcasm that well. Tap your sources.



*Morrison*: So what do they want? Last time I checked hunting Starfleet vessels was not for the greater good of the Federation.



TAC: True, it appeared to be a custom mixture of drugs..



::Allows a smile to flit across her face, and sends out queries to her contacts about Morrison of the Navarone::



MED: What, ummm, what receptors in the brain did the chemical attach to?



::shrugs:: *CO*: Depends on how you look at it. Since they have no real oversight, if they feel a particularly troublesome Captain's demise will make their job easier, then that could be seen as beneficial to the Federation. ::leans forward some:: Long story short, Captain, there are those of us in Starfleet Intelligence who, to put it plainly, are tired of Section 31's shit.



TAC: Dopamine and Seratonin



*Morrison*: And this Captain agrees....



::mutters an "amen" to himself::



MED: It just attached to those receptors? Surprised he wasn't high as a kite.....




*CO*: To that end, we've been doing some recon of our own into their operations, which is why we had you investigate the Betreka Nebula. Section 31 is up to something big, and I'm determined to help put a stop to it. ::sighs softly:: Unfortunately, now is an inopportune time to act directly.



::spreads his arms wide:: *Morrison*: Next time something needs investigation, you give me the whole story....put my crew in danger like that again, and I will take it up with you myself.



TAC: He was, actually.. he was coming out of it while I was interviewing him in fact



::wonders if he should pull a knife and trim his nails, to underscore the Captain's message::



::Tilts her head to one side, not sure if she totally agrees that the whole of S31 is negative::



::gives a small smile at his own stupidity and busies himself with some power regulation instead::



MED: There's got to be another mode of activation. I mean, people are more easily swayed when they're high, but you need something special to get them to do things against their will like that.




::eyes Rome for a moment before giving a small nod:: *CO*: Understood, Captain. I'm now considering you in the loop. So, I'll tell you what's going through SFI circles now; we believe war with the Tzenkethi is an inevitability. We can't spare the resources to fight both them and Section 31, so, for now, this is the end of the operation.



::Picks up her PADD again, and continues reading, whilst still subtly monitoring the Captain's conversation::



:: Knowing from earlier experience that S31 is a make or break section of the Federation looks surprised::



*Morrison*: Let me go after them.



:: Shakes his head at Morrison::



::raises an eyebrow at the Captain's words::



::Talks quietly, but with conviction:: CO: Us, Sir. You mean US.



*CO*: When the time comes, you'll be at the front of the hunting party, Captain, I promise. For now, we need to turn our attention to the Tzenkethi. I've recommended to Admiral Walker that the Hyperion have a partner vessel to work with, in order to keep Section 31 at bay. He's agreed.



::nods at Soule:: TAC: I agree. We'll need to investigate further. I'd hate to think if there's anyone else on board who's under the influence of these drugs



::nods, his reading of the situation becoming clear:: *Morrison*: Of course, sir.



MED: Perhaps some human experimentation is in order..... ::Gives a toothy grin.::



::leans over:: NAV: What odds it the funny shaped ship?



:: Doesn´t know what to make out of a partner ship with a crew where finds a tikeling feeling about not to be trusted::




*CO*: You'll be travelling with the Vonnegut for the foreseeable future; I understand you and Captain Harris are familiar with each other. Is he someone you trust?



*Morrison*: We've been through some scrapes together.






NAV: Nevermind. ::wonders about the strange ship design::




::nods and sits back:: *CO*: Good. The Admiral will have more orders for you. Watch your back, Captain. This is only the beginning.



MED: No better way to find out the modes of activation than a living, breathing subject.



:: Looks at OPS:: OPS: Well getting shot at would prolly reduce damage the ship would get being so funny shaped. :: Look away in little sarcarsm::



*Morrison*: I'll be sure to keep my dagger handy, Agent.




::smiles briefly:: *CO* Good luck, Captain.



*Morrison*: Hyperion, out.



::Wonders for a moment if 'Dagger' is her new nickname::



TAC: by that I take it you mean Wick?...


ACTION: The viewer cuts out, and the odd-shaped ship turns and makes to depart.



MED: That would be unethical and illegal Izzy......



::grins:: NAV: I like that.



::walks up to the viewscreen and turns to face the whole senior staff::



::Looks up from her PADD, to focus on Rome, sensing a speech brewing::



:: Looks at the Captain, waiting for orders, ready or not... ::



TAC: I didn't say I was actually going to do it.. ::chuckles::



::Notices Rome stand front and centre, and turns away from Izzy a bit. Whispers:: MED: I volunteer.....



All: That conversation would normally take place behind closed doors.....but they left us in the cold, and I am not going to do the same to you...that being said, all external communications will now go through Lieutenant Feyna for security screening until further notice.....



:: Starts encrypting his files on his station, while looking at the Captain::



::nods, setting up the rerouting to tactical::



All: I won't pretend to know what's happening...but things have changed, and we're not safe. From now on consider us at Red alert, indefinitely.



::Raises her eyebrows at the additional, undiscussed security, and begins setting up the screening program as she continues to listen to Rome::



::heads for his Ready room::



<<<End Arc>>>

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