- , Mission #

"The Second"


USS Bremen - Stardate 11501.15 - Mission # 40


The Second, Part 9.


The crew of the “Vergh'mej” recently “landed” on Tau Ceti Beta, an L-class planet with an Oxygen/Argon atmosphere that contains poisonous particles, and a marginally hostile environment.


The crew was contacted over comms by someone or something that demanded they reveal their crew compliment and if any of their crew were dead or missing. The Captain lied and was rewarded with a show of force from a small Federation-style vessel that was detected hovering above their position.


The Captain negotiated with the voice and succeeded in having his stricken crew beamed up to the vessel... directly into the ship and into a small area surrounded by a forcefield. The ship consists of one very large space, lined with computer banks and scanners, controlled by an interface of some sort in the middle of the room. There is no evidence of any living crew.




::his left arm in a makeshift sling:: CO: I almost had it.


::Subtly moves to one side, and tentatively touches the field, trying to judge the strength::


::glances around at the combined crew:: All: Any injuries? Is everyone alright?


::glances at her padd of information, and back up at the computer banks, frowning::

ACTION: The forcefield repels AUX's fingers with a loud "vootz!" noise, leaving her fingertips numb.


::looks around as his eyes adjust to the change in lighting::


::Quickly withdraws her hand, wiggling the fingers as best she can to get the feeling back, feeling pins and needles::


CO: Crew complete? Any unaccounted?


::keeps a close eye on the open space and the other on his crew:: All: It seems to be some sort of computer or artificial intelligence controlling everything. The absence of people but the inclusion of computer banks and operational controls suggest that there used to be at least humanoid crew member at some point.


::clears his throat and faces back out into the room:: Voice: Everyone is onboard, yes. Will you tell us now what your intentions are?


::glances at the captain::


CO: They know what strength of forcefield to put up which will stop interference, but not kill


::walks around, glancing at the consoles:: All: These consoles are running the latest version of LCARS.


CO: They're scared of outsiders, so they sent a remotely controlled shuttle to get us. I assume.


CO: I intend to ensure safety of all living members of your crew. You will remain safe, you will contribute and survive. The experiment will endure.


::looks up and mouths the word 'experiment?'::


CSO: Then why is it only the computer interacting with us? Even a scared person would say something to us, I'm sure. ::glances between the banks of computers and Tony:: CEO: The latest? Are you sure?


CO: Aye sir, it's a few years older than we're running but it's recent.


CO: Don't assume a scared person ISN'T saying something to us. Through a computer.


CEO: That'd suggest that whoever was here has a direct link to Starfleet in some capacity. ::looks around conspiratorially:: And if the 'experiment' comment is anything to go by, not a good one.


::shrugs:: CO: I will not be probed.


CEO: Probing is unnecessary.


CEO: Unless this 'intelligence' has the ability to hack into starfleet and upload the software?


CSO: Your comments are noted, Lieutenant. I know you're hoping to find something related to that mission colony, but I think you'll have to put that out of your mind right now.


::grabs his Tricorder from his utility belt and starts scanning the compartment:: Voice: Glad to hear it!


::faces outwards again:: Voice: How long has this experiment been going on?

ACTION: A console lights up, its screen clearly showing that the ship is scanning each crewmember individually, categorising them with either red or green marks beside their data.


::turns to the active console::


::looks at the console, slightly worriedly, but more curiously::


::Looks over at the console that lights up near her, and looks to see what colour she has been assigned, despite not knowing the meaning::


CO: That data in need to know. You do not need to know. You will simply participate.


::tries to uplink his tricorder to the onboard system::

ACTION: As the scans complete, two groups are visible on the screen. Green marked names include Griffiths, Mór, Thomas, Adalberto, and Harlan.


CO: This IS related to the colony. There are people, they are unarmed, either they're here voluntarily or they're gathered because they got shot down like us. Maybe the colony WAS the experiment, or the colony turned INTO the experiment, got taken over, got captured, and I realize that doesn't help us right now, but it's something.


::looks to his 'team'::


::tilts his head as he watches the screen:: CEO: Is it just picking out the Humans?


::looks down at his console:: CO: Captain, I have limited data access.


::reads the screen:: CO:....yes sir.


::smiles slightly:: CEO: You can see the console better than I can from there.

ACTION: Red names therefore include Tomesu, sh'Hruvek, Jameson and Wren.


::reads from his tricorder:: CO: I can't crack their code.


CEO: It could also be marking those with telepathic abilities in red. ::points out the names, as far as he can see::


CEO: Can you tell what kind of system they're running? Is it Federation?


CO: Aye sir. ::steps closer and lowers his voice:: Sir, we have to consider the possibility that this....voice, considers non humans as enemies.


CO: Wait wait wait....I have something, it's an older file, not as encrypted.


::brings his voice down:: CEO: Or vice-versa. Regardless, it's not going to get that far, so keep working on that computer system. Every little helps, and the overconfidence this computer is displaying by leaving us with our equipment is something we're going to exploit.


ALL: Prepare for immediate disrobement.


::Sighs, and wonders how much like a Betazoid this computer may be::


Voice: No, thank you. Maybe if you bought me dinner first.


::glances at the Captain, then turns to sh'Hruvek:: CSO: Raqiin, take a look at this.

ACTION: Wren disappears in a shimmering beam of light.


Voice: Er, for what?


::hands the tricorder to Raqiin, then takes a step back as Wren disappears:: Self: The fuck.


CO: It's only nudity Cap...::Stops talking as Wren disappears:: I recommend we stop resisting


::narrows his eyes as he watched Wren get transported away:: Voice: Tell me where you're taking my crew.


AUX: We're not resisting. Yet. There's nothing to resist against.


ALL: Non-human crew are unsuitable for the experiment. Prepare for disrobement.


Voice: You haven't told me where you're taking them, that doesn't answer my question.


Self: I'm part human, don't I count?


::frantically scans the information Adalberto's handed her, although at the moment it's only bare comfort::


Voice: What will happen tp the non humans then?


CO: Captain?


ALL: They will be taken to a holding facility. They will be cared for for the extent of their lives.


::frowns as he glances back:: MED: Yes, Doctor?


Voice: And will that be the full natural extent of their lives?


ALL: The full natural extent. Unless they deem otherwise.


::let's out a breath, then turns to Jameson:: AUX: Jameson, take my tricorder....lead them. Keep them safe if we're separated. Is that clear?


CO: I'm not sure I'm ready for that sort of "care".....


ALL: It's a human experiment. A human--colony. Look, everyone on the ship who left, it was all across the board, humans of all walks of life who were in perfect health with nobody to miss or lose.


Voice: Who began this experiment? Who authorized it?


::glances at Tony from the corner of his eye, but gives the Doctor a smile:: MED: It won't be for long. We're getting out of here, together. Stick with the Commander and she'll keep everyone together.


::Nods to Adalberto, and takes the tricorder:: CEO: If we are separated, we 'non-humans' will do what we can to get out, and come find you


::nods at Jameson, feeling awkward giving her orders::


::Gives both Adalberto and Tomesu a reassuring smile::


CEO: Tony, You're doing the right thing. What I would do you in your position.


ALL: The Originators initiated the experiment. It is intended to preserve the cultures of humanity, to monitor and allow evolution to retake the same path.


::smiles:: AUX: We'll all be fine.


CO: Sir, it's the same names. Tony found--the names on the colony records we found, they're on here. A generational experiment. Like the computer said.


Voice: What are your current results?

ACTION: MED disappears in a shimmer of blue light.


::slips his own Tricorder out of his belt and pushes it into Tony's hand:: CEO: More scans, less orders, tell me what we're dealing with in here with regards to suppression.


ALL: Satisfactory. Within accepted parameters.


Self: Wait - CO: Cap-


::accepts the Tricorder and starts a wide spectrum scan::


@::materialises mid-shout::


Voice: Is there an end date for the experiment?


::turns to face Raqiin before she gets beamed away as well:: CSO: So where are they? Why aren't they controlling this 'experiment'. Find out what you can and try to keep in touch with everyone, wherever they take you.

ACTION: MED reappears in a very nice room, with open windows showing some very pleasant greenery outside. The air is mild, the flowers scenting everything sweetly. On a table in the room is a selection of fruits, breads, and beverages.


::Continues to collect as much data with the tricorder as possible:: Voice: Did the experiment not end with your original batch data?


::tries to access the onboard transporter systems::


@::stops the shout, then starts to look around him, wondering how much of this is real::


CO: This began hundreds of years ago. If this is to--to preserve humanity and all of its cultures at the time this began, if they created a computer to continue running it, maybe they meant for it to keep going. Maybe they wanted a utopia, maybe they were xenophobic, maybe this was supposed to be a huge secret never to be uncovered.


ALL: No end date. Simple anthropological study. Intention to preserve humanity. Fear that humanity will be destroyed among the stars.


Voice: How can you study us, if we are not in our natural habitat?


<change us to them>


@*CO* Tomesu to Griffiths


Voice: You sound like those Terra Firma idiots....humanity is amongst the stars!


CSO: Well, we uncovered it, and we're stuck in it. But knowing the end goal might help us to get out.

ACTION: CSO disappears, reappearing in the same room MED is.


CO: Captain, I've hacked into the transporter logs.


::looks at Raqiin as she's engulfed in blue and disappears:: Self: Damnit!


CO: How far back do they go, Tony? And when was the last record before us?


::suppresses a grimace as another one of his crew gets beamed away::


@Voice: Why is this-- ::blinks and realizes she's been transported. and notices Tomesu::


@::notices as beam particles appear::


::grins:: CO: They're still here! One deck down.....holodeck, it's a holodeck!


::grins at Tony, then taps his comm badge:: CEO: Looks like Comms still work in here too. *MED*: We read you, Doctor. Where are you?


::looks at Griffiths as the Doctor's comm comes through::


@MED: Well, that was a bit rude, I still had more questions. ::settles herself down before she gets too dizzy from all this standing and beaming::


Self: Looks like I'm the last to go. ::Takes a look at the tricorder, preparing for her transport at any time::


@*CO* Oh, thank God. I'm in a room. A very nice room. With Lieutenant shHruvek. We're alright.


::winks at Jameson:: AUX: You'll be fine...keep the tricorder on uplink, we'll find you.


@CSO: How are you feeling, sir?


CO: Sir I have accessed older transporter records and personnel files


*MED*: Good, make sure you all stay that way. We know where you are in this ship...facility...we'll have you out of there soon enough.


::Gives Adalberto a quick grin:: CEO: Or I'll find you. May the best man win?

ACTION: AUX gets her wish, disappearing and reappearing in the very pleasant room.


@MED: Same as before. Could use a nice long sleep when we have this all settled. Captain's going to start tearing this place apart the moment he gets a chance...


@::Looks around as she reappears, and immediately gestures for the transported crew to gather round::


@Voice: Are you still there? I would rather not be shown, what's the term...the cold shoulder.


@ALL: So, we are on a holodeck. One floor below where we were prior to transport.


::his smile fades:: CO: Captain....the last survivors to be transported aboard were three, Bolian....their personnel files end almost 10 years ago..


CEO: Upload what you can to Jameson's tricorder, they can let us know if there's anything useful there. What about the environment for us? Are there any suppression fields active? ::for emphasis, he opens his jacket to show what's secured beneath::

ACTION: CSO gets no reply from the Voice.




@AUX: A holodeck?


CO: God.....sir, the Bolians...they all 'terminated their own existence'...

ACTION: Clothing materialises in front of Griffiths' team. They consist of cloaks, battered looking brooches, baggy, shapeless trousers, leathern shoes with no real support and a lot of string.


::winces slightly before he can catch himself:: CEO: That doesn't sound promising.


CO: I guess 20 years in solitude is more than I could handle..


::looks over at the bundle of clothes::


::glances from Tony to the clothes and then out into the room:: Voice: You have an up-to-date LCARS, can't you materialise something more fashionable?


@Self: Still rude. AUX: At least we know what the original colony was doing. If we're still here, there must be a way out. Somehow.


::ignores the new clothes and tries to scan for a suppression field::


@::Nods emphatically:: CSO: Between us, we must be able to find a way to gain access outside this room


ALL: The clothing is appropriate. Disrobe now.


Voice: You sound like my ex.


::grins at Tony:: Voice: Appropriate for what, exactly?


@AUX: What do you suggest?


::volume is turned up:: ALL: DISROBE.


::winces slightly, his hand raising slightly to his ear but he forces it back down:: Voice: Not until you tell us why.


@MED: That we find the edges of the room, see if we can find an access panel


::winces as the voice booms, still trying to gain access to intruder systems to check for suppression fields::


@AUX: You want us to split up?


@MED: I assume we can't just go 'computer: end program' or 'computer: show exit'.


CO: Cap'n, there's only a low level scattering field in place. We can't transmit past these bulkheads....but your..::motions at his jacket:: It should work just fine.


ALL: All evidence of contemporary humanity must be purged before introduction to experiment. Disrobe now.


::nods, a touch of a smile on his lips:: CEO: A good start.


@MED: If you are afraid, then we can go in pairs ::Hides her frustration well::

ACTION: Programme doesn't end. No exit shows itself. Nice try.


Voice: I like to think of my style as nouveau-parisian, rather than contemporary.


CO: I say we do as it says...::starts undressing, but makes sure to keep his commbadge on himself::


AUX: Not afraid, sir. Just used to being safer than sorry. I don't see anyone wearing a red tunic, so I'm assuming we're safe. For now.


::nods to Tony:: CEO: I don't like obeying without a little quip. ::instead of disrobing, he pulls the baggy trousers up over his jeans and finds one of the larger cloaks that he can entirely cover himself with, pinning it together with one of the brooches:: I hope these aren't bombs.


::stands there naked:: CO: Suit yourself, my uniform was covered in blood anyway. ::finds pants to put on::


MED: We can just start with this room. Or you could go climb out the window and see if it keeps going.


CEO: Remove leg. Non-contemporary.


CEO: Call it an experiment of my own. ::smiles slightly::


::looks up:: Voice: Excuse me?


CSO: Why don't we go in pairs?

ACTION: A wooden crutch fashioned out of a branch materialises.


MED: You want me to go out the window first?


Voice: I can't remove my leg! I need a doctor for that


CEO: That's some pretty fancy replication technology...


::raises his voice:: Voice: You may as well as him to remove his arms or his lungs as well, you can't order any of us to remove parts of ourselves, artificial or otherwise.


::grabs the Tricorder and starts inputting a few commands:: CO: I'm going to try using the scattering field to shield it from the sensors.


CSO: If you're offering, Lieutenant.....

ACTION: Tony's leg is beamed out of existence without another word said.


::falls on his back, screaming in pain::


::nods, leaning in close and whispering very quietly:: CEO: It doesn't seem to have noticed my clothes, it's possible that the suite of sensors it uses-::winces, grabbing Tony before he topples as the leg gets beamed away:: -Tony!


Self: Bloody hell! ::grabs the stump of his leg, oozing blood where the neuro-links had been placed::


ALL: Authenticity is key. You are Parissi merchants. You sell cloth. You will integrate into the experiment and add to our data. Non-compliance will lead to increasing discomfort for the others.


::mutters, grabbing one of the spare cloaks and ripping it into strips before tying a few around Tony's thight for a tourniquet:: CEO: You'll be alright. Come on, we'll make it pay for ten legs when this is done.


@MED: If nobody else who's been here has found a way out, maybe outside is the key. We could try using a tricorder to run some scans, see if we can find anything someone else couldn't...


@::Starts moving round the room, feeling blindly::


::grits his teeth as he reaches around the Captain's shoulders for support, giving no thought to being naked:: CO: Get me the crutch....and some pants.


::nods, dragging the crutch over along with a pair of pants that are roughly the right size::


CO: Thank you sir.


CEO: Don't mention it, Tony. ::stands up, offering the CEO as much of a hand (or a leg) as he needs to get up::


@::Holds up her tricorder:: CSO: Looksie what I got from Adalberto before transporting


::pulls the pants on, then grabs the crutch and steadies himself::


ALL: Prepare for transport...


::grabs a robe and throws it over his shoulders::


CEO: We're probably going to end up in a simulation, when you're ready find me a couple of nodes. ::looks up at the voice and nods:: Voice: We're ready.


@AUX: I thought he'd slid it to you. You can search in here...I might take a look outside and see what a beautiful day it is.


CO: Happily sir.


@::Flips open the tricorder and starts scanning::


Self: Raqiin....I am so getting you for this fucking trip of hell.

ACTION: Humans are beamed onto a dirt road, edged with wild, grassy scrubland. The sun is shining pleasantly yellow, and the air is fresh. In the distance, smoke drifts lazily from a clump of dwellings.


::feels a little bulky with all of these clothes on, but feels like he's achieved something with his little experiment. He continues to keep his voice as low as possible:: CEO: It isn't omniscient, we can get out of this.


::shields his eyes::


::flips open his tricorder:: CO: So, what should we destroy first?


::puts on a grin that's decidedly uncouth:: CEO: Oh, how about you find me some sensor nodes?



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