- , Mission #

"The Patrol"



SUMMARY: The Hyperion has captured *someone* involved with the attack on Mizar II. There's some evidence it may be the one known as Rolan, but Captain Rome is unconvinced. The Hyperion prepares to activate Multi-Vector Assault Mode in order to leave behind a damaged portion of the ship in order to track down the new location for the subspace transmissions.



<<<Resume Mission>>>



::steps out onto the bridge and looks around:: ALL: Report!



#::stands outside the Brig for a moment, collecting his thoughts::


ACTION: A commotion can be heard inside the brig; mostly shouting.



::Is at the tactical, preparing the Hyperion sections for MVAM, making sure everyone is in position:: XO: We're ready for MVAM on you're mark ma'am.


#::furrows his brow and activates the door and steps inside::



::glances up from his console:: XO: I'm still examining the data we got from the base and trying to puzzle out what the Cadet did with my perfectly set up tracking program.


SCENE: Kivan lies on the floor of his cell, motionless, a security officer over him, checking for a pulse.



XO: All ready at the helm ma´am :: Double checks everything at the helm::



OPS: The crosses we bare, eh? ::nods confidently:: OPS: Keep on it. ::turns to TAC, eyes him briefly:: *CO*: We are ready for MVAM, Captain. Separation countdown will commence on your mark.



#SEC: What the hell happened here?



NAV: Prepare to separate.



#*XO*: Go ahead when ready Commander, you have the Bridge.



XO: I'd love to nail that cadet to the cross, but onward and upward as my grandpappy used to say,



::Hovers his finger over the button::



<SEC_Rann>::looks up to the Captain, mildly panicked:: CO: H-he just started bashing his head against the force field! Sir...



::sitting at her desk going through Starfleet Medical database on brain injuries to figure out what to do about Denesh::



XO: Aye ma´am :: Starts to make the final prep::



#Self: Goddamnit. ::taps his badge:: *Sickbay*: Medical emergency in the Brig.



OPS: There's always the holodeck... TAC: Engage Multi-vector assault mode. NAV: Take us out slowly, Cadet. Don't scratch the paint...



::turns his attention back to the tracking program to see where the signal was now:: XO: Tempting, but I think crucifixion is frowned upon.



::Pushes the initiator button, and activates the automatic countdown.:: ALL: MVAM Engaged



::focusing on research, just notices the announcement from Capt. Rome:: ::taps comm badge:: *CO:* Yes, Captain, on my way



::grabs a medkit and heads to the Brig::



#::looks over at the recent arrival in the next cell over:: Nalta: Lieutenant Nalta....did you do this?



XO: No ma´am :: Makes it fit like a glove::



::smiles at NAV guides their section of the ship out perfectly. NAV: You almost make me not miss the conn, Cadet. Nice job. ::sits back in her seat::



::steps into Turbolift:: TL: Brig


ACTION: Various locking mechanisms disengage throughout the hull, as the sections of the Hyperion drift apart for a moment before the ventral and dorsal sections move off.



::glances to Rome, but says nothing::



#::moves to within an inch of the forcefield, studying the woman:: Nalta: Help me and you might just get a decent sentence....for what you took part in..breaking your OATH to the Federation.....you deserve to be shot.



OPS: Send the conn your latest heading, Commander. Let's get this show on the road.



::steps off of TL, walks into Brig area::



::can't help but smirk, but remains silent::



::transfers the information to NAV just as the XO starts speaking:: XO: Great minds think alike, Commander.



::Steps in behind Rome, but a sensible distance away, watching him work::



NAV: Set a course.



::Is thinking about the ventral section being left behind, and the damage to the vonnegut:: Self: Bledy Omens.



#::doesn't take his eyes off Nalta:: CTO: What did she tell you, Lieutenant?



XO: Course set in ma´am :: Plots in the course::



XO: Waiting on Engage ma´am



CO: Nothing in detail Sir, mainly guilty running away. But she also had this on her ::Passes the PADD over to Rome::



::takes a breath, realising this is the first time she's had to do this on the Hyperion:: NAV: ...Engage.



#::takes the PADD and examines the contents::



#Nalta: You want to explain this?



:: Engaged the ship ::



::keeps an eye on the tracking program, turning his attention back to the data from the base::



::folds her arms and remains silent::



CO:Captain, you called for a doctor?



::stands up:: NAV: Take us to warp as soon as we clear the system, Cadet. ::turns and looks at TAC, thinks better of her timing and instead, watches space flash by on the main viewer.::



#Nalta: You are not Rolan. You are one of his headless sheep....no, not sheep. Goat, scapegoat.....does it not bother you that he leaves you to be captured?



XO: At warp 4 ma´am ?



NAV: Warp "whatever the hell gets us there as fast as possible, without damaging the ship anymore", Cadet.



#MED: See to him, in there. He's not leaving the Brig. ::points at the downed prisoner::



XO: Warp 4 it is then :: Plots in warp 4 speed::



::Steps forward, and asks softly:: Nalta: Why did you turn away from Starfleet? How did he convince you to act for his...your cause?



::Glances over his shoulder:: XO: Ex-pilot, commander?



::keeps her frown to herself:: NAV: Then make it Warp 5.5



#::allows Joanne to step in and calls the SEC over::



OPS: I'm an Executive Officer, now. I'll never be an ex-pilot, though. No such thing.


ACTION: The undamaged sections of the ship jump to warp, hunting down the source of the signal



::Keeps an eye on the structural integrity field.






XO: I have to warn you but with the ship in this condition warp 5.5 is not good for the ship :: Plots warp 5.5 for the XO::



::chuckles:: XO: Understood, ma'am. I had a CO who would have preferred the helm over the Big Chair.



::finally turns to TAC: Long range scans, Ensign Douglas. I want to know the second we spot anything up ahead. ::gone are the days of "Blondie", it seems::


<SEC_Rann>::approaches the Captian, looking a little disturbed:: CO: Sir.



::looks up to the CTO, raising an amused eyebrow, but says nothing::



#SEC_Rann: Rann, have this taken to Commander Lyon. I want the contents decrypted immediately.



::scans the prisoner with the medical tricorder:: CO: Light burning on the forehead, heavy concussion. Once treated, he should be fine..



::sets the computer to rebuild the user tables in the root directory::



Nalta: You didn't seem quite so amused back on the station.



#MED: Then treat him!


<SEC_Rann>::takes the PADD and nods:: CO: Yes, sir. ::quickly exits the brig::



::Starts running the long range scans from ops and ensign taylor in astrometrics::



XO: I have a idea to increase the structural integrity of the ship but you ain´t gonna like it



Nalta: What has changed between now and then?



NAV: There's not much about this I *do* like... ::steps over to him and leans on the side of his console:: NAV: Tell me anyway.



::smirks and eyes the CTO for a moment:: CTO: What do you think you have on me?



::looks a bit taken aback, but gets out the appropriate dosages of stabilizer and gets to it::


XO: I can take the FR offline but that means no coffee for the crew at any time soon.



::Glances over her shoulder at Rome:: Nalta: That PADD of yours seems to contain relevant information.



#::grabs Joanne's shoulder::



::winces:: NAV: YOu weren't kidding about me not liking it, huh? ::nods:: NAV: Do it. We'll survive.



<add to last line>::,treating the concussion and burns::



::Looks back at Rome as he takes hold:: CO: Sir?



:: Takes the FR offline to use power to increase the structural integrity:: XO: Aye ma´am.


#Nalta: What we have is enough to bury you in a hole on the Venusian penal colony for the rest of your life. And since you don't seem interested in changing that...goodbye, Miss Nalta. ::motions for Jo::



#CTO: Come on, we have work to do.



NAV: Push it to warp 6.5. See how many bolts we shake loose. ::resists the temptation to press the buttons herself::



Nalta: If you change your mind, you know who to contact ::Follows out behind Rome::



::laughs:: CO: Worst case scenario, they discharge me. I'll be seeing you soon enough, Jonathan.



<change stabilizer to medications>



::Murmers:: CO: It's almost like her personality has had a complete make over between the station and here



XO: OK MA´AM :: Does what the XO asked for but isn´t sure about the ships strength::



XO: I have some ground beans in our quarters and a French press.



#::steps out of the Brig:: CTO: Have the Doctor give her a once over. ::walks towards the TL::



OPS: You are a god. I'll be there 05.30 hours. ::walks back to her seat:: TAC: Anything on scans, Douglas?


ACTION: The ventral section groans a bit as the speed increases, but manages to stay intact.



::passes the bone regenerator over the prisoner's concussion, mending the fracture, trying to listen to conversation as she works:: CO: He should be fine now, if a bit sore when he wakes up


::Follows Rome to the TL, as she taps her badge:: *MED*: Ensign, can you please give Lt Nalta a physical whilst she is our guest in the Brig



XO: I know. ::smiles faintly:: Be there at 04:30 if you want to go for a run first.



#::stops her:: CTO: No. Stay with her.



#CTO: There's something about this whole thing that's a little bit off...



:: Feels better after OPS had a little secret::



::Smiles sardonically at Rome:: CO: You give me all the fun jobs



CTO: Yes, ma'am.


OPS: At this rate, I'd be as well off staying the night. ::sits back in her comfy chair::



#CTO: You're just so good at them it seems. ::nods:: Keep me appraised of any changes.



::Checks the scan reports, and is disappointed with nothing:: XO: Scans haven't picked up anything as of yet commander.



::Turns, and heads back towards the brig:: CO: If she says anything of interest while i'm babysitting, you'll be the first to know




::groans lightly::



#::nods as the TL doors close:: TL: Bridge.



::begins checking Nalta over with medical tricorder, etc..:: Nalta: Say ahh...



::grins at the doctor:: MED: Cute.



::Walks into the Brig, and watches at Rousseau starts her medical on Nalta, as an added layer of security::



Kivan: you'll be just fine. Don't get up too fast, you've had a bit of a concussion



XO: The couch is a bit lumpy.



Nalta: Just doing my job..



::twitches a small smirk::



<SEC_Rann>::steps onto the bridge, and approaches OPS:: OPS: Sir, the Captain wants you to decrypt this. When you get a chance.



TAC: Keep an eye on it.



::smirks at Nalta::



::keeps her eyes on the Rousseau:: MED: Captain's an interesting man, isn't he?



XO: I got my good eye on it. ::Chuckles to himself::



::Crosses her arms, as she leans on the wall of the brig, deceptively relaxed::



::takes the PADD:: SEC: I'll get right on it. ::downloads the info into the computer and starts taking it apart::



#::steps out onto the Bridge and heads for the back::



::Scrolls through the scans more:: Self: Where the hell are you?



ALL: Captain on the bridge.



::Stands to attention::



Nalta: Indeed.. now turn your head to the left. Ok, now right. Look up, down..::feels lymph nodes::



#::slams his hand against the Replicator:: XO: Enough of that! Can someone tell me why the goddamn replicator is offline?



::stands up:: CO: It was that, or we'd have to go slower, sir.



::checks out Nalta's head with tricorder::



CO: Sorry sir, I had to take it offline to increase the structural integrity of the ship :: Looks at the Captain::



::goes along with the probing, looking to Joanne over the doctor's shoulders:: CTO/MED: Seems tense. On edge.



::taps a few buttons:: CO: I have something from that PADD, sir.



#::sighs and heads towards his seat:: NAV: Good thinking Cadet...see what other systems we can do without...perhaps the Brig's life support system? ::sits down::



::Smiles serenely over at Nalta::



::Notices something on the sensors:: XO & CO: Sir, Ma'am... We just picked up some sensors echoes on the long range sensors. Possibly Hull Signitures, approximately fifteen minutes out.



::wonders if tantrums are simply part of being a Captain::



#::heads over to OPS:: OPS: Yes?



CO: The PADD contains a log of various coded messages to and from Mizar from Caldik. ::points to the screen with the information::



TAC: Send the co-ordinates to the conn.



#OPS: All of which I already knew, Commander. Please tell me there's more to your report.



CO: I can have the basic life support system online but I can take the temperature offline. Should be ok for about 2 hours.



Nalta: I'd imagine that goes with the territory, being Captain, you know..



#NAV: Best not Cadet, but thank you.



NAV: We may not need to resort to huddling in corners just yet. TAC is sending you a new heading. Punch it.



::Transfers the snesor coordinates to the conn::



::considers offering some of his coffee to the Captain:: CO: Seeing as I got the PADD less than three minutes ago, sir, I'm still busy decoding them.



#::nods:: OPS: Keep at it, Commander. Let me know when you've finished.



CO: Aye, sir. ::turns his attention back to the console::



::steps close to the CO:: CO: Captain, a moment? ::speaks quietly::



::gives her a somewhat dark look:: CTO/MED: Makes you wonder how long it will take for him to crack...



#XO: What is it?



::steps to the side, hoping he'll follow::



::Continues smiling, wondering where Nalta's information about Rome is coming from::



Nalta: ok, lay down for me. Pardon me, my hands are a bit cold today.. ::continues scanning::



#::follows Danann:: TAC: Ensign, first sign of trouble activate Red Alert.



:: Puts in new heading and punches it:: XO: Allready done.



::heard the bit about how long will it take to make him crack, ignores it.::



CO: Aye, Sir.



::gives the doctor a look:: MED: I may choose to take this the wrong way... ::lays down in a manner that lets her keep looking at Feyna:: CTO: He was never the same after being shot, was he?



::looks at her feet, then up at Rome:: CO: Sir, with respect, you're making the bridge crew tense.



::perks up a little as the code turns out to be something he recognised, starting to plug in various cyphers. It helped that the base computer was used to send the coded signals to Mizar II. Some rooting around could assist in decoding the messages faster::



::Shrugs a little:: Nalta: I never knew him before then.



#::looks back:: XO: Good, they should be. We're dealing with an unknown threat that seems to be one step ahead of us each turn....this is not the time to be careless.



CTO: She seems to be in perfect health, ma'am. Nothing unusual



::raises her eyebrows:: CTO: Ahhhh... so you're the one they sent to watch him.



CO: I agree, but you're snapping, sir. You seem... on edge.



::keeps a cool but soothing tone:: Nalta: You can stand up, you're all done. Thanks for being patient with me



#::lowers his voice:: XO: I'm angry, Commander. There's a difference.



::Raises her eyebrows back:: Nalta: You seem to know alot about him, especially pre-shooting. Why that specialist subject?



::Keeps a watchful eye on the sensors as the ship gets closer to the coordinates::



::feeling more secure in decrypting the information, starts swapping out variables, muttering to himself at a few errors before making adjustments::



::holds his gaze:: CO: As am I... ::realises she's stepping over a line:: CO: But so is your crew... If you can't control it... ::stopps talking::



::winks at the doctor before sitting back up:: CTO: He's hanging by a thread, isn't he?



#XO: You will?



Nalta: If you say so. He just seems like himself to me



:: Tries to find other ways to make the ship go faster in one piece::



::shakes her head:: CO: No... of course not. That's exactly what I mean. ::looks shocked he'd draw that conclusion:: CO: If you cant... how can we expect them to act rationally? ::looks more worried than before:: CO: That's all.



::the blinky light on his console and beeping brings him out of his reverie, glancing over his shoulder to the CO& XO before speaking:: CO: Captain. We're being hailed.



CTO: Am I done here, Lieutenant? ::gives Nalta a brief, polite smile::



#XO: Have faith in them. Anger is good when on the hunt. ::looks to Lyon:: OPS: Origin?



#::cuts the sidebar and heads back to the center of the Bridge::



::lets go of the breath she'd been holding on to at OPS interrupts::



::Gently pulls Rousseau to one side and murmurs:: MED: Anything atypical in your readings?



::More detailed scans come in:: CO: Captain, its appears we're nearing some kind of probe.



#::sits down in his chair, crossing his legs:: TAC: Armed?



::taps away at the problem a moment longer, slotting another variable in place:: CO: Dead ahead, three minutes out, sir. It is most likely from a comm buoy since there are no ships this close.



::follows CO, sitting beside him silently::



#::sighs:: OPS: Onscreen.



::lowers her voice to match CTO's:: CTO: Nothing atypical, everything seemed perfectly normal



::transfers the signal to the viewscreen, looking up at it::



::Tries not to show her disappointment:: MED: Thanks, that it all



CO: On screen.



NAV: Take us to within 100 km of the bouy, Gunn. Full stop.



CO: No sir.



Self: Something feels off though



*Hyperion*: Is that the Hyperion I see? What happened to your ship? I feel like there's not enough pieces.



::nods at CTO:: CTO: I'll be in Sickbay if you need me



XO: Aye ma´am :: Makes it to full stop at the 100 km line at the object::



#*Adria*: Adria.



::Walks back over to Nalta's cell, and sits in the nearby chair::


ACTION: The familiar Orion woman's visage appears from the side of the screen.



::feels the atmosphere change around him, unsure why this person would have such an effect::



#::lowers his voice:: XO: Contact the ship back at Mizar...tell them to go to red alert.



*CO*: Jonathan. I should have figured it'd be you. You found Nalta, then.



::gathers up her medkit and heads back to turbolift, then to sickbay::



::face drops, nods once and get to work on a separate comm link::



::Sits, smiling at Nalta, oblivious to the drama on the bridge::



#*Adria*: I did. Still looking for Rolan though, but you probably know that. So what are you up to, still being a murdering bitch?




::grins some at the CTO:: CTO: How much longer do you think he can go?



::Sighs:: Self: God damn it.



::vows to read previous mission logs::



Nalta: I hadn't really put a time point on it, in all honestly



:: Senses great surprise for everyone on the bridge::



::gives a hearty laugh:: *CO*: Oh, my... Something along those lines, I suppose, though I like to think I'm something a little beyond just a murderer. Especially to you.



#*Adria*: Cut the crap Adria, I am done playing games.



::Hovers hand over red alert at a seconds notice to trouble::



::rolls her eyes at Adria's words as she sends the signal off to the rest of the ship back at Mizar.::



TL: Deck 7, main sickbay



::frowns some:: *CO*: But the games are what make it fun. ::sighs softly:: Fine. What do you want?



::steps over to TAC, leans in really close:: TAC: Yellow Alert. Keep the bridge klaxons and lights at current levels.



::one ear on the conversation while still working on decoding the messages, substituting variables faster and faster::



:: Makes ready for evasive manoeuvres::



::heads into sickbay, still preoccupied with what to do about Denesh. Checking his bioreadouts, making sure he's still stable::



#*Adria*: What's your part in this?



::Nods at Danann, and follows her orders:: XO: Yes Ma'am.



::sits in her chair and sighs:: *CO*: I'm guessing you're referring to Mizar? Would you believe me if I told you I was only tangentially responsible?



::watches TAC work for a moment::



#*Adria*: No, not really.




::grins at the CTO:: CTO: It's going to be fun finding out.



XO: Ready for anything here with or without an order ma´am.



::sighs softly:: *CO*: Talk to Nalta, Jonathan. She really is a bright girl; open up to her a bit, and I'm sure you'll get all you want out of her. ::eyes the Captain for a moment:: I wish I could talk longer, love, but I really must dash. So very busy.



Nalta: You know, you sound very much like someone I spoke to once. The same kind of attitude about Rome.



::throws NAV a thumbs up, steps away from TAC's console, lowers voice and taps comm badge:: *CTO*: Be advised, Lt. Nalta is connected with Adria somehow. She's contated the Captain.



#*Adria*: Throwing her under the bus?



#*Adria*: I'd expect nothing less from a coward like you.



::Eyes widen slightly at Danann's comm:: *XO*: Acknowledged



::leans forward slowly:: *CO*: Like you said. No more games. Until next time, Jonathan.



::Smile widens:: Nalta: So, do you two plan to share him, or are you in competition?



#*Adria*: I can't wait.


ACTION: The comm cuts out.



::decides to offer the Captain some of the coffee after all, and maybe some scotch too - the man deserved it::



#TAC: Bring that probe onboard, I want every inch of it examined!




::smirks:: CTO: There's plenty of Jonathan Rome to go around.



#All: And someone get me a coffee.




::shakes her head:: Self: Great, the Captain's girlfriend is back.



Nalta: Though that would probably reduce his stress levels, and he'd take longer to break



::Activates a tractor beam on the probe, and takes a deep breath as they run the adria gambit once again::



::keeps looking up information:: Computer, bring up records in the Starfleet medical database for something called funkyoxidon...::



CO: Captain, I'll have Ethan bring you some if you don't mind waiting for it to brew properly.



#::cracks a smile::



#OPS: Thank you Commander, that would be great.



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