- , Mission #



USS Bremen - Stardate 11410.02 - Mission # 28

Overhaul, Part 3.


So, things is going well for the Bremen crew, aren't they?...

Their own ship has attacked them as they make their way to Earth on board the USS Belligerent. In the ensuing battle, the Belligerent's command crew is severely injured (including Captain Suder), with most of them suffering nasty burns that the doctor will be hard pressed to find time to cure.

In the meantime, Captain Griffiths and his band of misfits has taken command and sounded a tactical retreat into a nearby nebula where the Bremen's sensors hopefully can't detect them.




::in Sickbay, her vitals deteriorating rapidly::


::shifts slightly in his seat, going over the tactical readout on his chair console::


::looks over a PADD containing a list of uninjured Belligerent tactical crew; it's not long::


::working frantically to try and save the captain::


::Checks to see her responses to the request for Status updates from each department::


Nurse: Get me 50ccs Inoprovaline.


::injects the Inoprovaline::


::turns around, his head still spinning with the large amounts of whiskey still in his system:: All: Alright men, women and other gentlebeings. From left to right, I shall call you...one, two, three...no, Ferengi, four, Blue, Ears, five. I know I'm the new boy in town but I have been ordered to take over. Get to your assigned station, keep your systems online!



MED: No response.


Nurse: Cortical stimulators.


Ears: Ears, the lateral pylon grid is fluctuating. Reroute all power from the tertiary command processors. We need the cycling speed up by 12% or we're losing that grid.


::Reads through the reports, and writing a quick review to be able to give to the Captain::


::seizes on the biobed, her synaptic pathways starting to feel the strain::


::steps onto the bridge:: XO: Forward phaser banks and launchers are operational; aft are down, but are being repaired. Shields are holding, though the nebula isn't helping much.


::prepares to activate the stimulators as the nurse sets them up:: Nurse: Hold her!


::taps his badge:: *CTO*: Henry, I'm seeing your focused fire on deck 7 is having some effect.


::tries desperately to keep Suder stable::


::takes a step back as fire erupts from the console and runs to grab an extinguisher::


::frowns some:: *CEO*: I guess; sorry, I'm trying to do three things at once.


CTO: Do we have an ETA on the aft and the shields?



::struggles to hold Suder down to give MED a chance to work::


::glances to the XO:: *CEO*: Any idea when we'll have aft weapons?


Ears: Ears! We're running her on 1175MW. I need that up! Do what you have to do or get a new job!


*CTO*: When I bloody well feel like it!


::Gives him a quick smile:: CTO: Just what the Captain would ask....getting the question in there before he does


::growls lightly in frustration, tossing the PADD aside:: CO: Sir, by my count there are, at most, four tactical personnel suited for a boarding mission, not including myself.


Nurse: Do it.


*CEO*: Understood. ::looks to the XO:: XO: Eventually.


::checks Suder's vital signs as the stimulators do their job::


Belligerent Bridge: I'm picking up faint outlines on sensors...Like a reflection or shadowing created by a solid object. Could be the Bremen


::Rolls her eyes slightly:: CTO: Captain Griffiths is going to love that. Will have to find a way to write that into the status report diplomatically.


::runs to the tactical controls and pushes four aside:: *CTO*: Henry....we're looking at......30 minutes, at best. It's all I can give you right now. And even if I get the grid back online, we're looking at one array....we'd better focus our power on the lateral and forward arrays, they're still mint.

ACTION: Suder's vital are weakening, the damage to her body appears to be winning the battle.


CTO: Four? I know this is a small ship, but that's not exactly heartening to hear. Include myself and Ensign Mor, that'll give us two teams. What can you do with that?


Nurse: Again.


::watches Suder's vitals as they start to wane::


::Finishes writing the report, and moves forward to the Captain's chair:: CO: The status reports, Sir


::nods some:: *CEO*: Got it. XO: Half an hour. ::turns to the Captain:: CO: We need to know where the ship is being controlled. My money in on Engineering. It'll be a long shot, but we might be able to take it with six.


::faintly:: ~MED~: I'm not ready to go! Not yet...


::grabs the side of his console as a spark blows out next to him::


<is on>


::offers a tired smile and takes them, going over the readings as quick as he can, scanning through everything:: CTO: Understood, Henry. Make sure everyone is kitted out in full EVA. ::glances back up:: XO: How do you feel taking the Belligerent into combat against the Bremen, Commander?


::Knows she is using sarcasm and sheer force of will to not think about her best friend, potentially dying in Sickbay, but she can sense Kesh's panic rising, and tears come to her eyes unwillingly::


::even more faintly:: ~MED~: Not...


~Suder~: I'm doing everything I can. It's just not working. We're losing you. Help me!


::nods and gets up from his station, heading for the turbolift:: *TAC*: Fenn, get everyone still able to the armory. Send Telen to the bridge to man the weapons.


*CO*: Captain! I have one idea. If you focus enough firepower on the Bremen's port nacelle, it will trigger a response in the shield grid, revving up the power output. It will leave her secondary systems...decks 5 through 10, non essential systems, with less power!


::lets Jameson gather herself for a moment and taps his comm badge:: *CEO*: Can we beam a team in from there?

ACTION: that disheartening continuous whine suddenly echoes around the tiny sickbay, as Suder's vitals flatline.


::Heads over to the edge of the bridge, taking a moment by the wall to regain control of herself, but with Suder still present in her head:: ~Suder: Hold on for me Kesh, We still need to have our cocktails. Stay with me.


*CO*: Yes sir, if we focus fire on the shield grid we might be able to force a hole in those decks. It requires Tactical to fire on the nacelle with all they have and deplete shield systems on those decks! thankfully you have Henry!


Three: Three....get me some water, now.


*CEO*: That works for me. Notify Tactical and give them a firing solution, Tony.


*CO*: I'll do what I can Captain..


::stops for a moment, incredulous::


Nurse: Again.


::brings up the schematics for the Bremen and sends the firing solutions to Tactical:: *CTO*: Henry, we need a sustained burst on her port nacelle. It will trigger a power shift in her primary shield grid.


Belligerent Bridge: Got sensors again people! This time it's 1.85x the size of the last reading bearing 90 degrees off the starboard side. This isn't random space matter, that's definitely the Bremen in a search pattern and she is getting closer!


::is slipping into an EVA suit:: *CEO*: Understood. ::relays the order to Telen::


::Stands straighter, and heads back to Griffiths:: CO: I'm sorry Captain. Things aren't going well...down there. ::Lets the tears flow, despite acting as professional as she can:: CO: I'll destroy whatever it is that did that to Captain Suder.


::sees nothing happening::


Nurse: Again. Increase power.


::nods and stands up:: XO: I trust you, Commander. The bridge is yours, take down the Bremen's shields and get us a way in then run interference until we can disable her from within. We're counting on you.


<TAC_Telen>::limps onto the bridge, heading for the auxiliary console::


CO: I have sent the communication to Starfleet, requesting the access codes, but have not yet had a response. I am unsure of an alternative option, unless we get lucky and hear from them in the next few moments::


::falls on his ass as his console bursts into flames, shrapnel cutting into his face and new nose::


::vitals remain totally inert. Suder's eyes are closed, her body is finally, after so much struggle and determination, giving up::


XO: I don't think we have time. Get us into position and let the tactical team know when we have our transport window. ::gives her a quiet, reassuring smile before turning to the conn:: OPS: Ensign Mor, you're with me. ::nods to Telen as he passes and steps into the TL::


::sees nothing happening:: Nurse: I- I don't know - I....


CO: Lets do it


::holds his hands to his mouth, almost trying to take in everything going on::


::gets back on his feet and starts inputting commands by the main warp core controls::


TL: Transporter Room 1. ::taps his comm badge:: *CTO*: Henry, we're on our way, prep the team for transport.


::Wipes the tears from her face, and takes the command chair, the chair that belonged to the friend she can no longer sense, and tears quickly replace the ones she had wiped away::


::taps his combadge as he straps on his helmet:: *CO*: We're ready, Captain. Meet you there.


Two: Two, get a damage control team to deck 3, the QCRD is blown!


::leads the remaining tactical crew to the transporter room::


OPS: Hope you've been keeping up with your tactical training, Ensign. ::smiles slightly then steps out of the TL, nodding to the tactical team as he begins suiting up in EVA::


~Suder: Stop messing around and come back to us. You aren't allowed to leave me now. I forbid it Keshir Suder. Come back. Now.


::taps his badge:: *Bridge*: Bridge, the antimatter injection system is blown. I can reroute main power through secondary systems but there is no way we're doing warp any time soon! I have repairs team on it.


<Nurse Gar>

MED: Doctor -


CO: I'm ready sir, lets get punching!


*CEO* Acknowledged. Do what you can. We will be stopping what is causing this, by hell or high water!


*XO*: That's the idea!


::looks up at Gar as her voice brings him back into the room:: Gar: Huh? I'm sorry. I - it's just....I've lost the - the Captain.


::belts on a phaser and tricorder, holding the EVA helmet under one arm and gripping a compression rifle with the other hand before following the tactical team to the transport room:: CTO: This is your away team, Henry. Where do you need me?


*CO*: Let me know when you want the distraction. And trust me, I'll be going full throttle


::realises what he has just said as his eyes widen sharply:: Self: The captain.


::taps his comm badge:: *XO*: Engage when ready, Commander. Transport us as soon as you have an opening.


::Turns to regard the Captain, then the rest:: CO: Take team two. We'll need to hit ME from the upper and lower level, and we'll need to hit fast; surprise is the only thing on our side.


*CO* Captain, this is......Ensign Tomesu.


*CEO*: I am about to initiate contact with the Bremen, Up close, personal, and most likely violent. Be prepared.


*XO*: Engineering standing by.


::nods to Henry then taps his comm badge again:: *MED*: Go ahead, Doctor.


*Shipwide*: We are about to enter conflict with the Bremen. Be prepared


::steps up onto the transporter PADD, getting his head together::


Ferengi: Ferengi, regulate the containment field!


::Nods over at the Nav:: NAV: Take us out of hiding, and towards the Bremen. Prepare for evasive manoeuvres


*CO* Captain, it's....um ::lets out a sharp sigh:: It's Captain Suder.


::looks to the CO then::


::closes his eyes, taking a moment to buckle on his helmet and collect himself:: *MED*: I don't want to hear it, Doctor. I don't care what you have to do, which Gods you have to pray to, I want to speak to Captain Suder when I get back.


*CO* Well, that's just not going to happen. Captain.


::feels the sudden pit in his gut, gripping the phaser rifle tightly::


::suddenly realises what he's just said::


::grabs the railing surrounding the warp core:: Self: I am wayyyy too drunk for this.


::steps up onto the transporter pad:: *MED*: Find a way to make it happen, Doctor. I can't tell you how to do your job, all I can ask is that you keep trying.


*CO*: It won't work. It just won't work.


::closes his eyes, trying to steady himself, knowing exactly what she would say in this instance; he looks to the Belligerent crew, all looking shaken:: TACs: Listen to me. We can mourn later, alright? We have a job to do; we go over, kick whoever's ass did this to our friend, and only then can we grieve. Understood?


::gets a few nods, then looks to the Captain:: CO: Ready when you are, sir.


::takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly:: *MED*: Do what you can...We're going into combat, have your teams stand ready.

ACTION: The Belligerent's sensors detect the Bremen crossing its path, dead ahead.


*CO* Captain, she's dead. Suder is dead. SHE'S DEAD!




XO: I know it's a bad time Commander but should I slow to intercept the Bremen or Full stop?


::stands bolt upright, the order hitting him into stoicism:: *CTO*: Sir.


::starts to clean up sickbay, emotionless, zombie-like, ashen-faced::


NAV: Slow, we need to keep them distracted whilst the away team board. We want to be able to move evasively


::takes another deep breath, closing the comm:: CTO/TAC Teams: Level heads. We don't know what we're facing, we'll be beaming over as soon as the Belligerent punches through the Bremen's shields.


XO: Initiating evasive manoeuvres around the Bremen


::Smiles, pale and wan, at Thomas::


::checks his rifle:: All: Maximum stun. Leave no enemy standing.


CTO: I say vaporise the arseholes sir


::looks to Mor:: OPS: And I said stun. Is that clear, Ensign?


aTAC: Fire across their bow, let's get their attention.


OPS: We could be dealing with crewmembers and friends, we should take every precaution. ::flips his rifle over easily, setting is to level 8 and then taking a firm grip::


CTO: Clear as day, sir :::mumbles to himself:: Self: Clear as mud, sir



XO: Yes, ma'am. ::fires off a volley::


::taps his combadge:: *XO*: Where's my hole, Commander?


*CTO* Working on it Sumner. It's not like it's a easy task


*XO*: Sure it is. Aim, fire, repeat. Let's hop to.

ACTION: Bremen turns gracefully, phaser banks glowing as it prepares to return fire. There's something very precise and robotic in its movements, something very mathematical.


*CTO* Spoken like a true Tactical officer


::watches the battle unfold on his console::


TAC: Concentrate fire at deck 7, everything we have. We are making that hole


NAV: Prepare to evade their fire



::rests a light hand on MED's shoulder:: MED: I-


::steels himself, breathing slowly and easily as he waits for the blue glow of an activating transporter to move::


*XO*: Commander, I think I can give you the extra firepower you need...but it will fry warp for....well, it could very well fry it for good.


ALL: The light may be dim in there. Don't use your torches; switch to infrared hud.



XO: It would be a pleasure... ::gets to work, unloading everything at his disposal at the Bremen's weak point::


*CEO*: Give it to me. well, to the weapons




Gar: We have work to do. ::carries on, unflinching::


TAC: Adalberto should be providing you with extra firepower imminently



::whoops as he blasts the Bremen with every speck of firepower he can muster::

ACTION: The Bremen tries to evade, but can't shake off the crazy onslaught. Shields weaken and disintegrate on the starboard side.


::accesses the mains and diverts all distributed power to the main phaser banks:: *Bridge*: Bridge! I can give you two, maybe three concentrated bursts!


*CEO* Do it - looks like we will succeed!


*XO*: You have it!


::Looks over at Hammond, and nods::


XO: I can't evade for much longer, Sir. It's like they're firing everywhere all at once


::locks down all primary safeties::


NAV: Not much longer now, then once we've transported, we can go back to hiding and licking our wounds until the AT need transport back



XO: Sir! Our forward shields are failing! We have to disengage! ::shields himself from a sparking console.::


::Energises the Away team::

ACTION: The Away Team disappears from the Belligerent...


@::drops into a crouch as soon as he rematerialises on the upper balcony, sending the two members of his team left and right as his glances everywhere at once::


NAV: Take us back to the nebula!

ACTION: And reappears in darkness on the Bremen.




XO: On it sir


::high fives the warp core:: Self: Hell yeah!


@::shimmers onto the Bremen, bringing his rifle to the ready and taking stock of the situation::


:: Punches into the console instructions as fast as possible. Getting the Belligerent into Warp as quickly as possible:: XO: we'll be in the nebula in 1minute sir


*XO*: I'm bringing power levels back to normal Commander, seems we got lucky.


::Sites out his rifle against the bulkhead, cracking neck::

SCENE: The Away Team beam into a deserted Main Engineering. Apart from the odd sign of internal and cosmetic smoke damage, everything looks as it would during Gamma Shift. Dark, but calm.


*Shipwide*: The away team have successfully transported to the Bremen. It's our job to get the Belligerent shipshape and ready to help as soon as possible.


@::takes stock and begins moving outward, eyes open and alert in the dim light for assailants or injured crew, making his way to one of the crawl ladders::


:: Sits in the Big Chair tm, and takes a deep breath before tapping her badge:: *CEO* Tony. We need to talk.


@::pans slowly over Engineering, checking the corners:: CO: Damn it... ::heads for the nearest active console::

@ ACTION:: At the base of the ladder, the CO discovers two of the relief crew slumped in a heap.


*XO*: Oh and Jameson, tell Suder, where ever she is, that I just saved her damn ship! ::laughs::


@::attempts to access the internal sensors, trying to find out where the ship is being controlled from::


@::kneels down and checks the crew member's vital with a finger pressed under their necks, the tactile glove's feedback giving him a pulse:: CTO: Two down over here, looks like Jeffer and Williams. Upper level is clear.


::Feels the tears starting again, and knowing that she should stop them and look like the Commander she is, but doesn't stop them.:: *CEO* Tony, I'm serious. It's not good news.


::feels the hairs on his back rise:: *XO*: Commander..?


*CEO*: She..::chokes a little:: ....She didn't make it. Captain Kesh Suder died of her wounds.


@::gets to his feet and stalks carefully over to the console, eyes open for traps:: CTO: If they're not in Engineering, where are they controlling the ship from?


@ ::In a whispered tone:: CTO: Tricorder is picking up traces of anaethsasine gas...Would incapacitate the crew in a matter of seconds, sir


@::glances to OPS, his brow furrowing somewhat::



::stares at MED as he works without emotion:: MED: Ren... it's OK to take a moment, you know...


::Whispers:: *CEO*: She went and left us before we were ready to let her go.


::takes a few deep breaths, then grabs the railing and throws up::


::wipes his mouth on his sleeve...then gags and throws up again::


::Sniffs, and winces as she hears Adalberto's response over comms::


*XO*: Sorry Commander....I..


::looks around Engineering at the stunned crewmen and doesn't know what to say::


Gar: No it's not. You heard Lieutenant Sumner. You'd better prep triage. ::waits until she silently leaves, then puts a hand to his forehead and takes a deep breath as he tries to hold back from welling up::


*CEO* Don't apologise. If I could, I would probably do the same. We started as ensigns together on the same ship at about the same time.


@::sighs as the console flickers, looking around:: OPS: We need to get some power restored. There should be some portable power cells around here; find me one.


*CEO* She is....she was my best friend.


*XO*: Mine....she was my friend too....::thinks back to last night when she had tried to mend the fences and he threw her out::


Self: Oh god.

ACTION: The lights around the Captain's location flicker on and off, finally resolving into a gentle glow. His helmet picks up a hint of a whispered voice that is gone as fast as it appeared.



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